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How can I deploy Skype for Business office365 version?

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Hi all,


we have bought some license Skype for Business Plan 2 on Office 365 and I would like to deploy Skype for Business to our clients throughout SCCM 2012.

When you login on office365 you can download a click-to-run package that starts the installation/downalod of the product.

There is a way to deploy this software throuhgout SCCM? I cannot find anywhere an offline installer of skype for business.


Thank you for your support





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Skype for Business is part of an Office 365 plan. See these articles I've written on how to deploy Office 365


1. http://renshollanders.nl/2014/02/office-365-automatic-deployment-of-office-365-with-mdt/

2. http://renshollanders.nl/2015/08/office-365-updated-deployment-guide/

3. http://renshollanders.nl/2015/10/office-365-get-office-365-wave-2016-now/


Be sure to read them in this order, because some information is superseeded by my latest articles.


Cheers! Rens

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Skype for Business is part of an Office 365 plan. See these articles I've written on how to deploy Office 365


1. http://renshollanders.nl/2014/02/office-365-automatic-deployment-of-office-365-with-mdt/

2. http://renshollanders.nl/2015/08/office-365-updated-deployment-guide/

3. http://renshollanders.nl/2015/10/office-365-get-office-365-wave-2016-now/


Be sure to read them in this order, because some information is superseeded by my latest articles.


Cheers! Rens


Thank you for this explanation!

Probably I'm missing something...

I've to run setup.exe /download first, let it downlaod the package in SCCM shared folder, and then in SCCM2012 create a package with the install.cmd you proposed in the article?

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Hello Luca,


Indeed, setup.exe /download download's the files you want to download in relation to your Office 365 subscription. You can automatically generate a download and installation xml file through this generator: https://officedev.github.io/Office-IT-Pro-Deployment-Scripts/XmlEditor.html


Then this will download the files, and you can use a different XML file as I've shown in my articles to actually install the Office-Click-to-Run installation.


Cheers! Rens

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