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A deeper look at the Upgrade task sequence in System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch)

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My upgrade TS fails with following error after scan has run.. 

Process completed with exit code 4294967295

Failed to run the action: Process Windows Setup Compatibility Results.
Unknown error (Error: FFFFFFFF; Source: Unknown)

I did some tests after the task failed and noticed that I was able to get the notification pop-up if I changed this path:





Is the first path wrong or is it supposed to work?

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This thing keeps failing me.. is there anything needed to be customized in the WindowsSetupCompatibilityScanResults.ps1 for this to work?

I'm running two VM`s, one with 1 GB RAM to test this out, the other with enough RAM to pass the scan.. However both of them "fails"..



Looking in the SMSTS.LOG on the VM with low RAM i can see the exit code: Windows setup in 'scanOnly' mode returned exit code hexadecimal 0xC1900200 ( decimal 3247440384) . Failing task sequence step.

However, in the WindowsSetupCompatScan.log I get the following: 

Starting Windows Setup compatibility scan results script

The following hardware was detected: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine

The original decimal returncode was:

The converted HEX returncode is: 0

Found value at 0 0


On the VM with enough RAM, the SMSTS.log returns exit code 0xC1900210 and passes the test, however in the WindowsSetupCompactScan.log I get the same result as from the machine failing


Starting Windows Setup compatibility scan results script

The following hardware was detected: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine

The original decimal returncode was:

The converted HEX returncode is: 0

Found value at 0 0


So both VM´s gets the "Sorry, but this computer isn't ready to be upgraded right now. Please inform your IT department that the result of the Windows Setup compatibility scan was: No compatibility issues.('0') 


What am I missing?


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from your log:

Windows setup in 'scanOnly' mode returned exit code hexadecimal 0xC1900200 ( decimal 3247440384) . Failing task sequence step.

this translates to


Does not meet system requirements for Windows 10: 0xC1900200 


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  On 6/26/2018 at 7:15 PM, anyweb said:

from your log:

Windows setup in 'scanOnly' mode returned exit code hexadecimal 0xC1900200 ( decimal 3247440384) . Failing task sequence step.

this translates to


Does not meet system requirements for Windows 10: 0xC1900200 



I´m very well aware of that, but why is the WindowsSetupCompatibilityScanResults.ps1 failing to run?

I want the pop-up notification, I want the Logs to be moved to my server..


Like i said earlier, the log is from a virtual machine with only 1 GB RAM and the "Check Readniess" step disabled.. 



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it's failing to run the windowssetupcompatibilityscanresults.psq step here.

Command line "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\00100224\ServiceUI.exe"  -process:TSProgressUI.exe C:\Windows\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -nologo -file WindowsSetupCompatibilityScanResults.ps1 returned 4294967295

probably because you are using the wrong version of serviceui.exe OR you made a mistake/edit in the powershell script which it does not understand,



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  On 6/26/2018 at 7:29 PM, anyweb said:

it's failing to run the windowssetupcompatibilityscanresults.psq step here.

Command line "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\00100224\ServiceUI.exe"  -process:TSProgressUI.exe C:\Windows\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -nologo -file WindowsSetupCompatibilityScanResults.ps1 returned 4294967295

probably because you are using the wrong version of serviceui.exe OR you made a mistake/edit in the powershell script which it does not understand,




Hmm, wrong version of ServiceUI sounds most likely then, the script is copied from this thread without and tweaks so shouldn't be anything wrong with it..

Thanks for your time, I'll take a look at the ServiceUI file and let you know how it goes :)


Btw, what Service UI should i use? I Copied mine from the x64 folder in the Deploymentshare\Tools directory, isnt that the one i need?

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you should use whichever version matches the os you are deploying

did you edit the powershell script in any way ?

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