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Let me start from the beginning,
SCCM in production state. no errors.

I tried to update SCCM from 1511 to 1602 and got the Following errors in cmupdate.log and of course the installation failed.


sql object fn_convertendcodedbinarytohexstring is not found. It will be created.

*** -- ~-- Name : fn_ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString ~-- Version : 5.0.8412.1006 ~-- Definition : CLRSqlObjs ~-- Scope : CAS_OR_PRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY ~-- Object : FN ~-- Dependencies : <Detect> ~-- Description : convert encoded ascii in binary format to a hexstring string 0x414243313233 ==> "ABC123" ~-- ~create function fn_ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString (@sdm varbinary(max)) returns nvarchar(max) ~ external name SMSSQLCLR.[Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SQLCLR.SMSUtil].ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString

*** [42000][6506][Microsoft]

[sql Server]Could not find method 'ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString' for type 'Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SQLCLR.SMSUtil' in assembly 'smssqlclr' : fn_ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString

Failed to execute sql command -- ~-- Name : fn_ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString ~-- Version : 5.0.8412.1006 ~-- Definition : CLRSqlObjs ~-- Scope : CAS_OR_PRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY ~-- Object : FN ~-- Dependencies : <Detect> ~-- Description : convert encoded ascii in binary format to a hexstring string 0x414243313233 ==> "ABC123" ~-- ~create function fn_ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString (@sdm varbinary(max)) returns nvarchar(max) ~ external name SMSSQLCLR.[Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SQLCLR.SMSUtil].ConvertEndcodedBinaryToHexString

ERROR: Failed to create SQL Server object fn_convertendcodedbinarytohexstring

ERROR: SQL Server error: <>

Failed to update database.



I run windows update on the primary site machine "KB3179574 and KB3159706" based on a one of the blog instruction.


Followed the manual steps required to fix KB3159706

"Manual steps required to complete the installation of this update

+ Open an elevated Command Prompt window, and then run "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\wsusutil.exe postinstall /servicing" (case sensitive, assume C: as the system volume).

+ Select HTTP Activation under .NET Framework 4.5 Features in the Server Manager Add Roles and Features wizard.
Restart the WSUS service."

restart the primary server
Configuration_manager_update service stopped status . not able to start autmatically. so i started manually.

tried to re-run the installation update for 1606 and now its stuck on waiting for configuration manager update service.




a related issue


Tried to deploy an application and got the following error: Error: The SMS Provider reported an error connecting to the ConfigMgr site database server. Verify that the SQL Server is online and that ConfigMgr site server computer account is an administrator on the ConfigMgr site database server.


It came to my intention also that maybe one of the root causes of why not the update succeeded in the first place is we have a site server in untrusted domain.
this site holding the following system roles (Mangment point, Component server, site system and distrubtion point)


Sql server in the main site giving me the following error

"SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c, state 14 while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. Reason: AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. The logon attempt failed [CLIENT: the branch site]






Thanks in advanced for any suggestion.

Edited by OsamaAlaydi

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Hi everyone,


I did not configured the backup site server task in the sccm site maintenance, but i do have sql backup from a sql maintenance plan.


Is it possiple to use this backup to restore the db and get back this server running?


Thanks in advanced for any suggestion.

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