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OSD Domain Join Failure

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Hi Folks,

I hope you can help me here or point me to the right direction.


The problem I face is a failing domain join out of one tasksequence, when it is running on an Optiplex 9020.
If I run the same task sequence on an Optiplex 7040, or on a Toshiba Notebook, the domain join runs smoothly out of the same task sequence.

I'm pretty sure it is not an driver issue, because when I log in to the staged computer and add it to our domain with the same credentials provided in the task sequence, the join is successful without an error.


Google pointed me to the c:\windows\pather\unattendedGC\setuperr.log

[DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: NetJoinDomain failed error code is [1355]
[DJOIN.EXE] Unattended Join: Unable to join; gdwError = 0x54b

But the result does not fit to my problem, as I'm already using the tasksequence step 'apply network settings' and not the answer XML file.

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If you are not using answer file then you must of captured your wim file?

If so did you capture it on a VM (only supported way to do so if deploying out to different models-NO driver contamination) or physical hardware?


Also how are you applying the drivers, packages appropriate to your models with WMI query?

Also maybe try moving the apply driver task directly after apply OS and before apply network settings.

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