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Software change returned error code 0x800700C1(-2147024703)

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I am new to this site and also new to deploying packages and applications via SCCM. A coworker successfully created and deployed an application, so I started by copying that and then just adjusting to fit my needs.


I am attempting to uninstall a product that exists on a server. I have the command line defined in a batch script, which is defined in the SCCM application. I can run the batch file on the server and it will uninstall the product without any issues.


Unfortunately, when I deploy the application, it fails. I get the below error:

The software change returned error code 0x800700C1(-2147024703).

  • I have seen a blog post with the same error, and in that case the boundary was not defined properly. In my case it is. The subnet is associated with my site in AD Sites and Services, and that site is defined as a Boundary, which is part of my Boundary Group.
  • I have seen a post on this site, where a guy was trying to use a UNC path (which I am not), and he was able to correct the issue by using %~dp0. I am not using UNC path for anything.

My script is very basic. Do you see something wrong with what I am trying to do?

REM to uninstall Alienvault 2.8
net stop ossecsvc
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ossec-agent\uninstall.exe" /S

Thank you!

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