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SCCM 2012 R2 SP2 OSD Error

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I Install Test envirnoment with Windows server 2012 R2 and SCCM 2012 R2 sp2. on VMWare Workstation.
and I flow the following documents to Deploy Windows 10 Image:


and trying to deploy Windows 10 X64 I got PXE Error "PXE Boot Aborted."

I have SCCM VM with DHCP Role, created Option 60,
also I distrubied the Boot Image X64 & X86
I Restart the services of DHCP and WDS.
I made the Task Sequence deployed to the "Unknown Computers" and deployment "Available" to Clients&Media and PXE.
The Network Access Account Configured.
and I have Vmware workstation DHCP disabled.

guess the problem was with Boundaries, I was have only one boundary for Active directory,
I added New one for Subnet and now I can boot using PXE and see the first step of the Task Sequence

But still not working becuse now I got another errors.

First boot I got Error: 0X800705AF : I resolve this error addding some RAM Memory to my guest VM.

Second boot I got Error : 0X80004005 : I resolve this removing Bit Locker and updating the deploy.

Now I have a new problem that Boot with PXE correctely and it´s load the files and i see the Initializing screen and when its disappear and left me with the only image of System Center grey and then restart.

I chcked the SMSTS.Log on the vm, and I got this errors you can see one the images I attache.

I re-entred the user for Network access agian (I used the same account for client push)

and I tried agian but still not working.I got the same log errors and warning agian as above.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advanced.





Edited by tecnico

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I resolve it, With just adding DNS Server Option 006 to DHCP Server, I was forget about, now I can boot and Install windows 10 without problemas,

I´m Just using Vmworkstation for test. before work in producction, but speaking about Vmware we are planning to install SCCM in Virtual Server on Vm Exsi,

It´s the first time I do so any recommendation to care about ? also the DHCP in production in other server.



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