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Problem browsing Boot Images

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Hello everyone. Thanks for all the great information on the site. I've frequented often in my quest for learning SCCM.


I have a problem now for which I'm hoping someone can offer a suggestion. I have a Task Sequence that has a boot image enabled. I need to change the current x86 boot image to a different x64 boot image. However, when I click the Browse button, I get the 'Select a Boot Image' window and it just sits at 'Loading...' forever. I can view all the Boot Images successfully from the 'Boot Images' node in Operating Systems. It only appears to be an issue when trying to browse the boot images from the 'Select a boot image' window of the Advanced tab of any Task Sequence properties window. It doesn't matter which task sequence I view - they all have the same broken behavior.


In my detective work, I tried monitoring the SMSProv.log while I opened that dialog to see what SQL query is being performed. I found this one:


select all SMS_ObjectContainerNode.ContainerNodeID,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.FolderFlags,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.FolderGuid,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.IsEmpty,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.Name,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.ObjectType,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.ObjectTypeName,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.ParentContainerNodeID,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.SearchFolder,SMS_ObjectContainerNode.SourceSite from vSMS_Folders AS SMS_ObjectContainerNode where (SMS_ObjectContainerNode.ObjectTypeName = N'SMS_BootImagePackage' AND SMS_ObjectContainerNode.SearchFolder = 0) order by SMS_ObjectContainerNode.Name


Yet, running this query manually against our SCCM database returns no rows. In fact, I tried 'select * from vSMS_Folders ORDER BY ObjectTypeName' and had no instances of 'SMS_BootImagePackage' returned. I'm not sure if this is normal or if something is broken with our boot images.


We are running SCCM 1511, version 5.00.8325.1000. We can't upgrade to 1606 yet because we have a third party patching application that isn't yet certified with 1606. We 'could' go to 1602, but haven't because we had hoped to go straight to 1606 once our 3rd party addon is certified. We have approximately 16000 clients in a single Primary site. Everything else seems to be operating normally, and has been for almost two years now.


Any thoughts on what could cause this odd behavior? And thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer.

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