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Searching for Step by Step 2 Server Lab for SCCM 1606 and EndPointProtection

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i look for a step by step post which shows up a lab on hyper-v 2016 on server 2016.

A hyper-v 2012 R2 should be the AD

A hyper-v 2012 R2 should be the SCCM (SCCM 1606 with SQL Server 2016)


As far i can see i could use the Guide:



Can i use it?


Is there another newer guide which i should use.



Greatings from Germany



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that guide is for the technical preview release and really is only for very short term labs (limited to 10 clients) i'm working on getting a newer guide for SCCM Current Branch out this week, so please be patient

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sounds good. Can you please offer Power Shell Scripts for AD DS Deployment, Create Users Usergroups and OU in AD, install roles and features


and teach us how we can for example use 16DC01 for Domain Controller, 16SCMM01 for System Center Configuration Manager and the domain 16SCCMLAB.intern


i didnt't understand how to change with this variables the offered script to work:

# Creates an OU structure and then adds users and groups to AD 
# niall brady 2015/11/16

function ADDOU($OUName, $OUPath) {
   try {$IsOUInAD=Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity "OU=$OUName,$OUPath" 
         write-host "The $OUNAme OU was already found in AD."
    catch {
   write-host "About to add the following OU: " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline 
   write-host $OUName -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine
   write-host -ForegroundColor White " to this OUPath: " -NoNewLine
   write-host $OUPath -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $OUName -Path $OUPath
            write-host " Done !" -ForegroundColor White}

function ADDUser($User, $DistinguishedName, $SelectedOU) {

    try {$IsUsserInAD=Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(sAMAccountName=$User)"
        If ($IsUsserInAD -eq $Null) 
            {write-host "User $User does not exist in AD, adding..." -NoNewline
            New-ADUser -Name $User -GivenName $User -SamAccountName $User -UserPrincipalName $User$DistinguishedName -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force) -Path $SelectedOU -PassThru | Enable-ADAccount
            # -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
            write-host "Done !" -ForegroundColor Green}
        Else {
            write-host "User $User was already found in AD."
   write-host "About to add the following User: " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline 
   write-host $User -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine
   write-host -ForegroundColor White " to this DistinguishedName: " -NoNewLine
   write-host $SelectedOU -ForegroundColor Green

function ADDUserGroup($UserGroup, $SelectedOU) {
    try {$IsUserGroupInAD=Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(sAMAccountName=$UserGroup)"
        If ($IsUserGroupInAD -eq $Null) 
            {write-host "UserGroup $UserGroup does not exist in AD, adding..." -NoNewline
            New-ADGroup -Name $UserGroup -DisplayName $UserGroup -SamAccountName $UserGroup -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path $SelectedOU
            # -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
            write-host "Done !" -ForegroundColor Green}
        Else {
            write-host "UserGroup $UserGroup was already found in AD."
            write-host "Error adding UserGroup: " $UserGroup -ForegroundColor Red

try {
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    catch {
    Write-host "The Active Directory module was not found, try running this on the DC."

# define your variables below
$OUchild=@("Security Groups","Servers","Service Accounts","Users","Workstations")
$Password = "P@ssw0rd"
$YourUserName = "niall"

# the below 4 variables are for adding YourUserName as local admin on the ConfigMgr server, 
# you must have first configured the following GPO on AD1
# "Windows Firewall: Allow inbound file and printer sharing exception: Enabled"
# otherwise disable the lines at the bottom of this script.
$Computer = "CM01"
$Group = "Administrators"
$Domain = "windowsnoob.lab.local"

# add root OU

write-host "Adding the root OU..." -ForegroundColor yellow


# add 2ndlevel OUs

write-host "Adding child OU's..." -ForegroundColor yellow

$OUPath="OU=windowsnoob, " + $DistinguishedName  

# create an array of OUs to add to AD
foreach($OU in $OUchild){
            ADDOU $OU $OUPath

write-host "Adding more child OU's..." -ForegroundColor yellow
# add 3rdlevel OUs
$OUPath="OU=Service Accounts, OU=windowsnoob, " + $DistinguishedName

# create an array of OUs to add to AD
foreach($OU in $OUchild2){
            ADDOU $OU $OUPath

# add ConfigMgr users
$strUsers = @("CM_BA", "CM_CP", "CM_JD", "CM_NAA", "CM_SR", "CM_TS", "CM_WS")
$SelectedOU="OU=SCCM, OU=Service Accounts, OU=windowsnoob, " + $DistinguishedName

write-host "Adding Users to " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
write-host $SelectedOU -ForegroundColor green
foreach($User in $strUsers){
ADDUser $User $DistinguishedName $SelectedOU
# add MDT users

$strUsers = @("MDT_BA", "MDT_JD")
$SelectedOU="OU=MDT, OU=Service Accounts, OU=windowsnoob, " + $DistinguishedName

write-host "Adding Users to " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
write-host $SelectedOU -ForegroundColor green
foreach($User in $strUsers){
ADDUser $User $DistinguishedName $SelectedOU

# add MBAM users
$strUsers = @("MBAM_DB_RO","MBAM_HD_AppPool","MBAM_Reports_Compl")
$SelectedOU="OU=MBAM, OU=Service Accounts, OU=windowsnoob, " + $DistinguishedName

write-host "Adding Users to " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
write-host $SelectedOU -ForegroundColor green
foreach($User in $strUsers){
ADDUser $User $DistinguishedName $SelectedOU

# add Regular users
$strUsers = @("$YourUserName", "testuser1", "testuser2", "testuser3")
$SelectedOU="OU=Users, OU=windowsnoob, " + $DistinguishedName

write-host "Adding Users to " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
write-host $SelectedOU -ForegroundColor green
foreach($User in $strUsers){
ADDUser $User $DistinguishedName $SelectedOU

$strUserGroups = @("MBAM_DB_RW","MBAM_HD", "MBAM_HD_Adv", "MBAM_HD_Report", "MBAM_Reports_RO")
$SelectedOU="OU=MBAM,OU=Service Accounts,OU=windowsnoob," + $DistinguishedName
# create an array of usergroups to add to AD
write-host "Adding UserGroups to " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
write-host $SelectedOU -ForegroundColor green

foreach($UserGroup in $strUserGroups){
ADDUserGroup $UserGroup $SelectedOU

# add YourUserName as local admin on ConfigMgr server
write-host "Adding "  -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
write-host $YourUserName -ForegroundColor green -NoNewline
write-host " as a Local administrator on " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
write-host $Computer -ForegroundColor green
write-host "All done !" -ForegroundColor Yellow

May be you can post the right Create Users Usergroups and OU in AD.ps1 with my choosen varibles: 16DC01 Name of the Domain Controller, 16SCMMLAB.intern Name of the Domain and 16SCMM01 Name of the System Center Configuration Manager with SQL-Server 2016 installed.

Edited by raymccoy

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that guide is for the technical preview release and really is only for very short term labs (limited to 10 clients) i'm working on getting a newer guide for SCCM Current Branch out this week, so please be patient

Can you tell us then the newer guide will be available?

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Can you tell us then the newer guide will be available?



I'm still working on it, these guides take time...and i want it to be good...

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