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ConfigMgr 1606 & MDT 2013 Update 2 - Specify Credentials

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Hi all,


I'm going insane trying to resolve this.


I keep getting the 'Specify User Credentials' as soon as the Gather step runs in the task sequence.


In my customsettings.ini i've specified the correct UserID, UserPassword and UserDomain variables.


I can even type them in to the box as they are, and it the continues through the whole TS without problems.


Updated all boot images, deployment shares, the lot. my bootstrap.ini has the information in too, and i've verified that the client is downloading the right customsettings.ini package by finding it in command prompt in WinPE, all looks ok.


Any idea's where i'm going wrong here? even after endless googling and trying all suggestions i'm still stuck :|



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