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Windows 7 Upgrading IE 8 to IE 11 causes user service profile service failed




I have a issue when deploying my task sequences with our Windows 7 Enterprise x64 it has IE and we need to upgrade to IE 11.


The deployment was created by using IEAK 11.


After the task sequence is finished I go to the software center and run the upgrade to IE 11 which works fine. However when a new user tries to logon it get the error of "User Profile service fail to logon"


I did some digging and apparently it changes the permissions on the Default user profile in turn it cannot create a new user profile (domain account)


If an account was logged on before the upgrade there are no issues.


Here are some questions:


1. Is there a way to alter the current windows 7 enterprise .wim to include IE 11?


2. Does MS already have a new version of Win 7 Enterprise with IE 11?


3. If no to the above. Are there any suggestions to how I may accomplish upgrading IE 8 to IE 11 another way?


4. If not is there a way to fix this issue with a script or some alternate way?


Thank you,



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The issue is caused because after the installation the following files gets left behind with improper permissions for the default profile. Navigate to "c:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM" and delete the file "esqmdata_setup0.sqm". You will need to allow viewing of hidden files and protected OS files. you can script the removal of this file from all that have it.

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Yes I am trying to do it using a command but it does not run. Please see my attached pic and see if there is anything in the command link or anything else I am missing. I did try to run it on a local machine in the cmd prompt and it was successful.


I am thinking I am missing some here in sccm.


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