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SCCM Novice

Configuring SCCM 2007 on W2K3

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I just finished fumbling through the SCCM 2007 install on W2K3, last week we were going to go with SMS but that got scraped Friday and company decided to go with SCCM. I have no background with SCCM, during the install I received about 3 different warning messages that popped up. I am using the "guide" on Microsoft's site:


I was wondering if there was a more comprehensive one or one that is more straightforward. I would like a comprehensive one so that I know the reasoning behind all the steps I am taking, but if there isn't one I will gladly take one that just says go here type this hit enter. If that is the case I can read up on why things are the way they are after SCCM is up and operational, I hear about people finding guides on the site but my searching hasn't been successful as of yet. It seems like based on the site I should just install W2K8 since there is a lot more assitance for it than W2K3. I have been searching on Google for every issue that comes up, navigating through all the expert-exchange sites that try and get you to pay for everything I finally found this site.

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The network SCCM is installed on doesn't have a firewall it is a closed network.

Just checked my warning/alert logs and had 3 different ones:

SMS Client Configuration Manager cannot connect to the machine. The OS reported error 1203. No network provider accepted the given path.


SMS Component Status Summarizer set the status of component SMS Client Config Manager running on computer to critical.


SMS Component Status Summarizer detected that component SMS Client Config Manager running on computer has reported 50 or more Warning status messages.

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