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After a powerdown i ower infra my pxe isnt working anymore. I have tryd multiple things to get pxe working again.


- Reinstall wds

- Removed the pxe from the site system and installed it again

- Removed and reinstalld the configure configmgr intergration


I recive the following error in the PXESetup.log


<12-11-2009 10:38:07> ====================================================================
<12-11-2009 10:38:07> SMSPXE Setup Started....
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Parameters: C:\PROGRA~2\MIF083~1\bin\i386\ROLESE~1.EXE /install /siteserver:SCCM SMSPXE
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Installing Pre Reqs for SMSPXE
<12-11-2009 10:38:08>         ======== Installing Pre Reqs for Role SMSPXE ========
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Found 2 Pre Reqs for Role SMSPXE 
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Pre Req MSXML60 found.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> No versions of MSXML60 are installed.  Would install new MSXML60.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Enabling MSI logging.  msxml6_x64.msi will log to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\msxml6_x64MSI.log
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Installing C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\00000409\msxml6_x64.msi 
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> msxml6_x64.msi exited with return code: 0
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> msxml6_x64.msi Installation was successful.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Pre Req Wimgapi found.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Wimgapi already installed (Product Code: {721ABC3B-5F12-4332-9C0C-C11424EF666C}). Would not install again.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Pre Req Wimgapi is already installed. Skipping it.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08>         ======== Completed Installion of Pre Reqs for Role SMSPXE ========
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Installing the SMSPXE
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Machine is running Windows 2003 SP1 or later. (NTVersion=0X600, ServicePack=2)
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> WDS Service is installed.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> No versions of SMSPXE are installed.  Installing new SMSPXE.
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Enabling MSI logging.  pxe.msi will log to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\pxeMSI.log
<12-11-2009 10:38:08> Installing C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\i386\pxe.msi CCMINSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\SMS_CCM" PXEENABLELOGGING=TRUE PXELOGLEVEL=1 PXELOGMAXSIZE=1000000 PXELOGMAXHISTORY=1
<12-11-2009 10:38:17> pxe.msi exited with return code: 1603
<12-11-2009 10:38:17> Backing up C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\pxeMSI.log to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\pxeMSI.log.LastError
<12-11-2009 10:38:17> Fatal MSI Error - pxe.msi could not be installed.

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Hello, I found the problem. :rolleyes:


Wheb i installed pxe.msi manual i get the error 80004005.


i found the solution on technet. i had to remove the smspxeimages$ share on the server. After that pxe role installed succesfull.







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