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Upgrade to 1702 failed to update database

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Hi all,

Yesterday we tried to upgrade from 1610. Pre-requisite check had no errors, but the upgrade failed at the 'Upgrade ConfigMgr database’ step.

CMUpdate.log error output (full log attached to this post):

*** [42000][50000][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]ERROR 547, Level 16, State 0, Procedure sp_SetupSettingsAndRules, Line 177, Message: The MERGE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “CI_CurrentRuleDetail_SettingID_FK”. The conflict occurred in database “CM_V01”, table “dbo.CI_CurrentRuleDetail”, column ‘SettingID’. : spRethrowError CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE 2017-04-04 14:59:30 41488 (0xA210)
ERROR: Failed to execute SQL Server command; CCISource::InsertObject returned -1 CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE 2017-04-04 14:59:30 41488 (0xA210)
ERROR: Failed to install default configuration items (FinalSqlOperations). CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE 2017-04-04 14:59:30 41488 (0xA210)
Failed to update database. CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE 2017-04-04 14:59:30 41488 (0xA210)
Failed to apply update changes 0x87d20b15 CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE 2017-04-04 14:59:59 41488 (0xA210)


We retried the installation with the same result as before. There were two hotfixes for 1610 available, so we tried installing one of them, SCCM 1610 Update Rollup 3 (KB4010155), and it installed fine. We then restarted the server and tried once more with the 1702 upgrade, but it still failed with the same error.

Any ideas are highly appreciated at this moment. ConfigMgr seems to work fine and, strange enough, the console as well as the site says they're now upgraded to 1702 (5.00.8498.100).




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Hi Par,

ok i have sent an email, it looks like this may of taken out all my secondary site servers which is a major problem. And SMSexec cannot read the reg on the sccm db. 

He did mention that MS hs produced a fix tho ? 

And i have the 060417 release.. 


Edited by chrisiss
extra info

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For us, it involved some sql editing to clean out the bad data, a solution provided by MS.

We have no secondary site, so we didn't experience any urgent issues.

According to anyweb, MS has "slipstreamed the fix", whatever that means. Maybe you need to re-download the files for 1702. Hopefully anyweb will reply soon...




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hi Chris

after looking at your logs your error is not the same as Par's i'll see what i can find out but please contact me as you mentioned this morning so we can decide how to troubleshoot it, do you have any possibility of doing a teamviewer session with me ?

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Hi anyweb,

I upgraded SCCM from 1610 Hotfix (KB4016483) to 1702 and the process ends with the error:

Failed upgrade ConfigMgr database.


INFO: Site Component Manager installation completed.    CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE    2017-05-23 16:12:39    1308 (0x051C)
INFO: SQL Connection succeeded. Connection: SMS ACCESS, Type: Secure    CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE    2017-05-23 16:12:39    1308 (0x051C)
Turned on activation for service broker queue    CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE    2017-05-23 16:12:39    1308 (0x051C)
Failed to apply update changes 0x87d20b15    CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE    2017-05-23 16:12:39    1308 (0x051C)
Waiting for changes to the "\\sccm.server\SMS_VK1\inboxes\cmupdate.box" directories, updates will be polled in 600 seconds...    CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE    2017-05-23 16:12:39    1308 (0x051C)
There are no pending update package to be processed.    CONFIGURATION_MANAGER_UPDATE    2017-05-23 16:22:39    1308 (0x051C)

Maybe you can help to correct this error.
Thank you

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