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Speed SCCM Client check in after OSD

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My question is related on speeding up the SCCM Client to check in after OSD is completed to follow the post application install. 

My environment is customized to use PKI and Certs. When the client joins domain during OSD it gets the certificate for client communication with no issues. Once the OSD application stack is completed we need to follow the build with a post Install process. The issue we are running into is that we have to wait until the SCCM Client registers completely to console. Is there a way to speed the SCCM Client registration after the OSD process. 



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Once my OSD is completed and the Tech logs in as the user we need to run a post installation which also includes users profile registry keys modification and additions. The issue I'm running into is that the tech's have access to a collection that will allow them to add machines to the collection which deploys the post install and the machine doesn't show up immediately after the OSD process is completed. My environment uses PKI for client communication but the cert comes down the minute the machine joins to the domain. I have set the limiting collection to update every 5 minutes.

Is there a collection during the WinPE OSD process that I could use to speed things up, maybe another set of agent settings that will force check in asap. 

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That makes sense now.  I have a TS for one of my custom OSD deployments that adds the computer to an AD security group, which I have a collection auto updating every 6 hours on. It is not immediate, but once the collection updates and sees the new AD computer object, it auto deploys a piece of software to that collection (required not available).  That executes my TS automatically.  As to how and make it immediate upon completion of the OSD TS, you could have shortened timers for collection updating; however, that will lead to more traffic on the network and against your DP.

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