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MDT Sequence failed - Unable to find a raw disk

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Hi all,


I got a single VM which is being a pain in the backend, it stumbles at the staging boot image and yet other VMs using the same task have worked perfectly.  I've tried the following steps so far to troubleshoot

- Rebuilt the VM, changed the MAC, created a new HDD, cleansed the HDD in WinPE.

The VMs are Gen2 on HyperVisor 2016, UEFI, TPM etc


Here is the snippet from the smsts.log file

Launch mode read from environment variable: 'PXE'.'    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
BootpackageID: DC100023  AssociatedWInPE: DC100014  SourceVersion: 8  AssociatedSourceVersion: 8    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
WinPE associated with task sequence does not match boot media.    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
Installing WinPE associated with task sequence DC100017:0.    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
TSUEFIDrive:     TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
Staging boot image DC100014    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
bFoundRawDisk == true, HRESULT=8007000f (e:\cm1702_rtm\sms\framework\tscore\bootimage.cpp,315)    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
Unable to find a raw disk that could be partitioned as the system disk    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
BootImage::GetSystemDisk(iSystemDisk), HRESULT=8007000f (e:\cm1702_rtm\sms\framework\tscore\bootimage.cpp,488)    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
ValidateSystemPartition(), HRESULT=8007000f (e:\cm1702_rtm\sms\framework\tscore\bootimage.cpp,1062)    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
Failed to prepare the system partition for staging. 
The system cannot find the drive specified. (Error: 8007000F; Source: Windows)    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
BootImage::PrepareForStaging(sLocalDataPath), HRESULT=8007000f (e:\cm1702_rtm\sms\framework\tscore\bootimage.cpp,783)    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
Failed to validate for boot image staging    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
StageBootImage() failed. 0x8007000f.    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
TS::Boot::BootImage::StageBootImage( pAssociatedWinPE->GetPackageID(), TsBootProgress, pv, hCancelEvent), HRESULT=8007000f (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,2256)    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)
Failed to stage WinPE. Code(0x8007000F)    TSPxe    12/05/2017 08:30:09    1532 (0x05FC)

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