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SCCM CB 1702 - Stuck at SQL configuration during install

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I'm trying to install SCCM from scratch with a brand new virtual machine on Windows Server 2016. I installed SQL Server 2016 SP1 CU3 and I followed the guide from CB 1702 guide.

I have already an Active Directory with extended schema (from a previous install of SCCM 2012 R2), so I skipped this part.

When I try to install SCCM I have a warning regarding the System Management container. It seems that the computer account has not rights on Children objects (create&delete) but I added it so I think I can ignore it.

But the real problem is that when I continue and start the installation, it failed every time I tried on the SQL configuration step:

*** -- ~-- Name         : spConfigureCASForSitePartitionTable ~-- Version      : 5.0.8498.1010 ~-- Definition   : SqlSetupObjs ~-- Object       : P ~-- Dependencies : <Detect> ~-- Description  : <Please provide a description for this object> ~-- ~CREATE PROCEDURE spConfigureCASForSitePartitionTable @TableName SYSNAME, @PartitionColumn NVARCHAR(92) AS ~BEGIN  ~    SET NOCOUNT ON  ~  ~    DECLARE @TableNamePartition SYSNAME ~    DECLARE @PartitionFunction SYSNAME ~    DECLARE @PartitionScheme SYSNAME ~    DECLARE @SQLView NVARCHAR(MAX) ~    DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) ~    DECLARE @InsteadOfTigger NVARCHAR(MAX) ~    DECLARE @ID INT ~    DECLARE @Error INT = 0 ~    DECLARE @CRLF NVARCHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) ~ ~    IF dbo.fnIsCas() = 0 RETURN -1 ~ ~    -- Only Enterprise edition supports partitioning ~    IF SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') != 3 RETURN 0 ~ ~    IF dbo.fnIsValidSiteTableToPartition(@TableName) = 0 ~    BEGIN ~        PRINT ('Object ' + @TableName + ' does not need to be partitioned.') ~        RETURN 1 ~    END ~  ~    SET @Error = 0  ~ ~    -- 1. Create partition function ~    EXEC @Error = dbo.spAddPartitionFunction @TableName, @PartitionColumn, @PartitionFunction OUTPUT ~    IF @Error != 0 GOTO ERROR  ~ ~    -- 2. Create partition scheme ~    EXEC @Error = dbo.spAddPartitionScheme @PartitionFunction, @PartitionScheme OUTPUT ~    IF @Error != 0 GOTO ERROR  ~ ~    -- 3. Add partition scheme to table ~    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SYS.TABLES T INNER JOIN SYS.INDEXES I ON T.OBJECT_ID = I.OBJECT_ID ~                   INNER JOIN SYS.DATA_SPACES D ON I.DATA_SPACE_ID = D.DATA_SPACE_ID ~                   WHERE T.NAME = @TableName AND D.name = @PartitionScheme) ~    BEGIN ~        EXEC @Error = spConfigureSitePartitionTable @TableName, @PartitionScheme, @PartitionColumn ~        IF @Error != 0 GOTO ERROR  ~    END ~ ~ERROR:  ~    RETURN @Error;  ~END
*** [42000][9002][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The transaction log for database 'CM_XXX' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'. : spConfigureCASForSitePartitionTable	Configuration Manager Setup	5/17/2017 4:40:09 PM	4272 (0x10B0)
Failed to execute sql command -- ~-- Name         : spConfigureCASForSitePartitionTable ~-- Version      : 5.0.8498.1010 ~-- Definition   : SqlSetupObjs ~-- Object       : P ~-- Dependencies : <Detect> ~-- Description  : <Please provide a description for this object> ~-- ~CREATE PROCEDURE spConfigureCASForSitePartitionTable @TableName SYSNAME, @PartitionColumn NVARCHAR(92) AS ~BEGIN  ~    SET NOCOUNT ON  ~  ~    DECLARE @TableNamePartition SYSNAME ~    DECLARE @PartitionFunction SYSNAME ~    DECLARE @PartitionScheme SYSNAME ~    DECLARE @SQLView NVARCHAR(MAX) ~    DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) ~    DECLARE @InsteadOfTigger NVARCHAR(MAX) ~    DECLARE @ID INT ~    DECLARE @Error INT = 0 ~    DECLARE @CRLF NVARCHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) ~ ~    IF dbo.fnIsCas() = 0 RETURN -1 ~ ~    -- Only Enterprise edition supports partitioning ~    IF SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') != 3 RETURN 0 ~ ~    IF dbo.fnIsValidSiteTableToPartition(@TableName) = 0 ~    BEGIN ~        PRINT ('Object ' + @TableName + ' does not need to be partitioned.') ~        RETURN 1 ~    END ~  ~    SET @Error = 0  ~ ~    -- 1. Create partition function ~    EXEC @Error = dbo.spAddPartitionFunction @TableName, @PartitionColumn, @PartitionFunction OUTPUT ~    IF @Error != 0 GOTO ERROR  ~ ~    -- 2. Create partition scheme ~    EXEC @Error = dbo.spAddPartitionScheme @PartitionFunction, @PartitionScheme OUTPUT ~    IF @Error != 0 GOTO ERROR  ~ ~    -- 3. Add partition scheme to table ~    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SYS.TABLES T INNER JOIN SYS.INDEXES I ON T.OBJECT_ID = I.OBJECT_ID ~                   INNER JOIN SYS.DATA_SPACES D ON I.DATA_SPACE_ID = D.DATA_SPACE_ID ~                   WHERE T.NAME = @TableName AND D.name = @PartitionScheme) ~    BEGIN ~        EXEC @Error = spConfigureSitePartitionTable @TableName, @PartitionScheme, @PartitionColumn ~        IF @Error != 0 GOTO ERROR  ~    END ~ ~ERROR:  ~    RETURN @Error;  ~END	Configuration Manager Setup	5/17/2017 4:40:09 PM	4272 (0x10B0)
ERROR: Failed to execute SQL Server script: Create object spconfigurecasforsitepartitiontable	Configuration Manager Setup	5/17/2017 4:40:09 PM	4272 (0x10B0)
ERROR: SQL Server error: <>	Configuration Manager Setup	5/17/2017 4:40:09 PM	4272 (0x10B0)

My SQL Engine service is running under a specific domain account but I don't think it can be a cause of failed.

I tried to install it from two different ISO downloaded from Microsoft (Eval ISO and CB1702 ISO) but I have the same errors.

Thank you for your help!

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I found a solution!

I'm installing SCCM with the wizard, so the process create automatically the database. The problem is that it creates the database with a transaction log size to 10MB and no autogrow parameter.

To solve this I created the database before starting the install with a default size to 5GB (I know this is a huge size value).

Now it install the software successfully.

EDIT: Finally, this error is due to the "model" database. It is not configured for autogrow and have a databases files set to 10MB. I just modified it and it is working well now.

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