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WSUS update installation result = 0x80070005

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On some machines I'm having problems with the installation of

2017-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x86-based Systems (KB4019472)  and
Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB4019473)

error descriptio in the colsole is "access denied" and the UpdatesHandler.log says

WSUS update (970dc0b3-07a2-4434-8df0-9008dcdc9f36) installation result = 0x80070005, Reboot State = NoReboot
Update execution failed.

maybe this is happening because of the size of the update >1 GB, maximum run time is set to 30 min, should i set it to 60min?

please help,





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ok your windowsupdate log is garbage, you need to clear the cache out and try again, read below to fix it


If you encounter problems decoding the Windows Update log (for example, if you have multiple "GUID" entries that are displayed in the final text log), you may have to delete and then update your symbol cache. You can do this by deleting everything under the %temp%\windowsupdatelog folder. 


via > https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3036646/how-to-read-windows-update-logs-in-windows-10-version-1607

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Just to cover the basics - have you changed any rights on the folder shares where you are fetching the packages? And are you sure that the account that you are using has the needed rights? 

As we recently discovered - changing / hardening rights and permissions can have unintended consequences ;-)



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tired setting the prermissions to everyone full control but it doesn't help.

a cant get the windowsupdate.log in the right format, what ever i do it disoplays guid giberrish.

i even tried the method on this site but still the same :(


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