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Apply OSDComputerName during OSD in CB


This should be easy. I've done it dozens of times, through CM2007 and CM2012R2. Now, with CB, my brain isn't working.

Environment variable OSDComputerName created on Unknown Computers collection and no value assigned - Check!
TS step Set Task Sequence Variable after Apply Operating System Image with Variable: OSDComputerName and Value:%_SMSTSMachineName% - Check!
TS Prompts me for OSDComputerName value prior to starting up and I enter it - Check!
OSDBackground pops up and there is my OSDComputerName value on the screen - Check!

During deployment, after rebooting, OSDComputerName changes to MININT-XXXXXX, and the value I input when starting the TS is overwritten. This tells me that _SMSTSMachineName is overriding OSDComputerName instead of vice versa. Looking back at the TS in my old 2012R2 environment I have the Set Task Sequence Variable step set the same way.

Where have I gone wrong?



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Never mind. Don't need to set TS variable in the TS when you set it before execution. At least not when MDT is integrated. That's the only thing I can think of that is different between environments. OSDComputerName gets applied just fine during Apply Windows Settings without additional intervention.

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