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Hi, All

I have an issue I hope someone can help me with, recently on of our Jr admin tried to upgrade or SCCM Server from 1511 to 1602 the server has been running great for the last couple of years.

Well to get the point the upgrade fail and I thought nothing of it until we tried about a week later to image a new computer and was unable to, it gets to the preparing network connections and just restarts everything else on the server works fine, just the image process seems to be broken.

I’m hoping someone out there has come across this issue and has found a way to fix it, because I sure don’t want get to the point where I may have to rebuild it.

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that's an osd problem and very doubtful that it's anything to do with a failed upgrade, in relation to the failed upgrade can you email me your cmupdate.log and any config mgr logs in the root of c:, zip them up and i'll take a look

as regards the osd problem, press F8 and grab the smsts.log in x:\windows\temp\smstslog

attach it here




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no it get's an ip address starting with 172..

<![LOG[Found network adapter "Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection" with IP Address]LOG]!><time="12:55:13.959+480" date="08-03-2017" component="TSPxe" context="" type="0" thread="1364" file="tsmbootstraputil.cpp:517">
<![LOG[Loading Media Variables from "X:\sms\data\variables.dat"]LOG]!><time="12:55:13.959+480" date="08-03-2017" component="TSPxe" context="" type="1" thread="1364" file="tsremovablemedia.cpp:322">


and later you see this


There are no task sequences available to this computer.. Please ensure you have at least one task sequence 

so are you sure this computer is in a collection targeted by a task sequence ?


you can email the logs to me at niall@windows-noob.com

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See that's the thing all this was working just a few days ago, and the only thing that has changed is the running of the 1602 upgrade.

All my task sequence show 100% deployed, I even created a new one with the same results.

Oddly enough this seems to be the only operation affected.

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