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Collection to search for specific data in .txt file

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Sure. First you have to create a configuratione item with a powershell based compliance rule that returns an integer value representing the number of found search patterns.
The detection rule script should look like this:
(Get-Content -Path "C:\Path\Filename.txt" | Where-Object {$_ -match "your search text"}).count
Then you create a new compliance rule based on this configuration item and deploy it to an collection of your choice with a compliance value > 0.
Right click the new deployment and create a new compliant collection from the context menu.

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Thanks Peter.  I got it setup but it's not working at the moment.  Specifically, I need to search for the .txt file in a specific location, and need the output to be the hostname of the device, and a the data from this file.  It is a very small file, 1 short line.  Is this possible?


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Assuming that by specific location you mean a fixed path, the solution is pretty simple. You can use the environment variable for the computername.

(Get-Content -Path "C:\windows\temp\$env:COMPUTERNAME.log" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_ -match "find me"}).count

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Correct, the file I need to search is in the same location on every pc (c:\Temp\file.txt).  What I'm trying to get out of this, is what the file contains.  This file shows us what version number of our image we have on the pc (v 3.2, v 3.3, etc).  I need a list of pc names and what version of the desktop image it has, based on the .txt file.

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OK, think i got it now. The dynamic file content changes the task at hand. You could still do it by using compliance rules, but it gets quite boring and a lot of work when you have to cover every possible version number. That would require a new rule for every possible version. So let's forget about that.

The better approach is to create a new custom WMI class, write the file content to a class property and include this new class in your clients hardware inventory. This way query your SCCM database for the Image Version and create custom reports or collections.

Here is a tiny script that creates a new class

$file = "C:\temp\file.txt"
if(Test-Path -Path "$file" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    # Delete WMI Class if it already exists
    if(Get-WmiObject OSDImageVersion){Get-WmiObject OSDImageVersion | Remove-WmiObject}
    # Create new WMI Class OSDImageVersion
    $ImageVersion = Get-Content -Path "$file"  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $wmiclass = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass("root\cimv2", [String]::Empty, $null);
    $wmiclass["__CLASS"] = "OSDImageVersion";
    $wmiclass.Qualifiers.Add("Static", $true)
    $wmiclass.Properties.Add("ImageVersion", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
    $wmiclass.Properties["ImageVersion"].Qualifiers.Add("Key", $true)
    # Write WMI Class Property ImageVersion
    [void](Set-WmiInstance -Path \\.\root\cimv2:OSDImageVersion -Arguments @{ImageVersion=$ImageVersion}) `

You just need to create a new SCCM Package and run the script on each client once.

I would also recommend to get rid of the versioning in the text file during OSD and use WMI from the start.



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16 hours ago, nhottinger said:

Correct, the file I need to search is in the same location on every pc (c:\Temp\file.txt).  What I'm trying to get out of this, is what the file contains.  This file shows us what version number of our image we have on the pc (v 3.2, v 3.3, etc).  I need a list of pc names and what version of the desktop image it has, based on the .txt file.

if you are going to create a PowerShell script to collect, I would take this one step farther and Tattoo the image version in either WMI or registry. This way you can inventory it was Hardware Inventory. I would also make sure that you update your TS to do this as well.

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