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Import-StartLayout Broken Shortcuts

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Has anyone ran into this with SCCM/Windows 10? Installed Office 2016 and pin shortcuts. Use Export-StartLayout and then apply during a task sequence (Import-StartLayout). On the login of a new user the shortcuts will be broken (see here)... Checking paths, etc in layout file - everything looks correct. Has worked in the past...

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If you are using roaming profile (I think it is the case ...), you may encounter this kind of issue.

I've solved these issues by processing each roaming profiles to modify the following registry value :

Path : HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced

Value Name : StartMenuInit

Data : 0


Actually if the StartMenuInit value is equal to 0, your start menu will be built correctly.

If you need more help, just let me know

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