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Import HP warranty info from registry

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I want to add Workstations and Laptops warranty info to registry so I can import it to SCCM current branch

I used the following script it seems to work fine but when checking info in registry only device S/N and P/N with no warranty end or start info there I guess it was for old HP warranty site I replaced site with new one in script but still no luck can anyone help to get it to work

'// Purpose: Check Warranty Information for HP Computers
'// Usage: cscript HP.vbs
'// Original Version: 1.1 - April 23, 2014 - Odd-Magne Kristoffersen
'// Script taken from: https://sccmguru.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/hp-and-lenovo-warranty-information-in-configuration-manager-2012-r2/
'// edited by Bernhard Sommer October 24, 2016
'// This script does NOT work for Enterprise Products
'// This script is provided "AS IS" with no warranties
On Error Resume Next
'// Return Codes
'// 7 = Could not open the website, maybe proxy server is wrong.
'// 4 = An unknown error Occured while opening the website.
'// 5 = MSXML Version not found

'// Variable Declarations

EnableLogging = True
'Insert your Company Name
sCompanyName = "Company"

'Insert Proxy Server and Port
'If no Proxy Server is used just leave "" there

sProxyServer = ""
sProxyPort = ""

'// Set Logging Information

Set oShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
If EnableLogging Then
    Set oLogFile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\windows\temp\WarrantyInfo.log", 8, True)
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
End If

'// Set Warranty WebSite Variables

sWebServiceHost = "http://h20566.www2.hp.com/hpsc/wc/public/find"
sWebService = sWebServiceHost

'// Set Proxy

'WriteLog "Checking Proxy"

'get User
'sUsername = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
'sUserDomain = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserDomain
'WriteLog "Current User is : " & sUserDomain & "\" & sUsername 

'// Create Objects

Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

const HKLM = &H80000002
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")

'objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable","0","REG_DWORD"
'Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
'Const HKU = &H80000003
'If sUsername = "SYSTEM" then
'	dwvalue=objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable")
'	dwvalue=objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable")
'End If
'If dwValue = 1 Then
'	WriteLog "Proxy is enabled"
'	WriteLog "Proxy is disabled"
'	WriteLog "Setting Proxy"
'	If sUsername = "SYSTEM" then
'		objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable","1","REG_DWORD"
'		objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer", sProxyServer & ":" & sProxyPort
'		dwvalue=objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable")
'	Else
'		objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable","1","REG_DWORD"
'		objShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer", sProxyServer & ":" & sProxyPort
'		dwvalue=objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable")
'	End If
'	If dwValue = 1 Then
'		WriteLog "Proxy was successfully enabled"
'	Else
'		WriteLog "Proxy could not be set"
'		WriteLog "Exit Warranty Check"
'		oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
'		oLogFile.Close
'		wscript.quit(1)
'	End If
'End If

'// Get the system's serial number from WMI

WriteLog "Beginning warranty information lookup."
Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select SerialNumber from Win32_BIOS",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
    sSerialNumber = objItem.SerialNumber
'sSerialNumber =""
WriteLog "Serial number of system is " & sSerialNumber

'// Get the Product ID from WMI

Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 16
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = 32
lFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly
strService = "winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}//./root/HP/InstrumentedBIOS"
strQuery = "select * from HP_BIOSSetting"
Set objWMIService = GetObject(strService)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery,,lFlags)
sPN = ""
For Each objItem In colItems
    If objItem.Name = "SKU Number" Then
        sPN = objItem.Value
    End If
    If objItem.Name = "Product Number" Then
        sPN = objItem.Value
    End If
'// Get left part of PN
sPNLeft = LEFT(sPN,7)
'sPNLeft = ""
'WriteLog "PN Left : " & sPNLeft
'// Detect if PN contains #
'// Because some products do not contain it
sPNRaute = RIGHT(sPN, 4)
sPNRaute = LEFT(sPNRaute, 1)
'WriteLog "Raute = " & sPNRaute
if sPNRaute = "#" Then
	sPNRight = RIGHT(sPN, 3)
	'WriteLog "PN Right : " & sPNRight
	sProductNumber = sPNLeft & "%23" & sPNRight
	sPNRaute = "" 
	sPNRight = ""
	sProductNumber = sPNLeft
End If
'WriteLog "PN Right " & sPNRight

If Len(sProductNumber) = 0 Then
    WriteLog "ERROR: Product Number could not be determined."
    'oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
    WriteLog "Product number of the system is " & sPNLeft & sPNRaute & sPNRight
End If

'// Get the OS Architecture
sAddressWidth = "32"
Set colItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select AddressWidth from Win32_Processor",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
    sAddressWidth = objItem.AddressWidth

WriteLog "Operating system is " & sAddressWidth & " bit."

'// Define the parameters string to send to the web site

sParameters = "rows%5B0%5D.item.productNumber=" & sProductNumber & "&rows%5B0%5D.item.countryCode=AT&submitButton=Senden&rows%5B0%5D.item.serialNumber=" & sSerialNumber & "&hpeuck_locale_ar=at&lang=de"

WriteLog "Opening the web site URL " & sWebService & "?" & sParameters

'// Define and call the web site

'dwvalue=objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable")
'If dwvalue = 1 then
'	WriteLog "Proxy still enabled"
'	WriteLog "Proxy is disabled"
'	oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
'	oLogFile.Close
'	wscript.quit(1)
'End If
'// Check MSXML Version
'set xmlhttp = createobject ("msxml2.xmlhttp.3.0")
rMSXMLVer=objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0\")
If Err.Number = 0 then
	WriteLog "Setting MSXML Version to : " & rMSXMLVer
	sMSXMLVer = "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0"
	rMSXMLVer=objShell.RegRead ("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0\")
	If Err.Number = 0 then
		WriteLog "Setting MSXML Version to : " & rMSXMLVer
		sMSXMLVer = "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0"
		wscript.echo "Error : MSXML Version not found"
	End If
End If
set xmlhttp = CreateObject(sMSXMLVer)
If sProxyServer = "" then
	WriteLog "No Proxy Sever used"
	WriteLog "Proxy Sever : '" & sProxyServer & ":" & sProxyPort &"' is used"
	xmlhttp.setProxy 2, sProxyServer & ":" & sProxyPort
End If
 xmlhttp.open "GET", sWebService & "?" & sParameters, false
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
 If Hex(Err.Number) = "80072EE2" Then
    WriteLog "Could not open the website, maybe proxy server is wrong."
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 then
	WriteLog "Warning: An unknown error Occured while opening the website."
	WriteLog "Error: " & Err.Number
	WriteLog "Error (Hex): " & Hex(Err.Number)
	WriteLog "Source: " &  Err.Source
	WriteLog "Description: " &  Err.Description
	oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
End IF
 If xmlhttp.Status = 200 Then
    WriteLog "Successful response from the web site."
    Process xmlhttp.ResponseText
    WriteLog "ERROR: the web site returned status code " & xmlhttp.Status
    WriteLog "Returning exit code 1."
    nExitCode = 1
End If

If EnableLogging Then
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
End If

'// Functions
 Function Process (HTML)
    WriteLog "Processing the HTML returned from the site."

    If sAddressWidth = 32 Then
	sRegistryKey ="SOFTWARE\"
	sRegistryKey = "SOFTWARE\"
    End If
    sKeyPath = sRegistryKey & sCompanyName & "\WarrantyInformation"
    WriteLog "Registry key path is HKLM\" & sKeyPath
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sKeyPath
    WriteLog "Setting registry values."
'	SerialNumber = split(xmlhttp.responseText,"Serial number")(1)
'	SerialNumber = split(SerialNumber,"</td></tr>")(0)
'	SerialNumber = replace(replace(SerialNumber,vbcr,""),vblf,"")
'	SerialNumber = split(SerialNumber,"bottomSpaceBig")(1)
'	SerialNumber = split(SerialNumber,">")(1)
	WriteLog "Serial Number is : " & sSerialNumber
	oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "SerialNumber", sSerialNumber
'    ProductNumber = split(xmlhttp.responseText,"Product number")(1)
'    ProductNumber = split(ProductNumber,"</td></tr>")(0)
'    ProductNumber = replace(replace(ProductNumber,vbcr,""),vblf,"")
'    ProductNumber = split(ProductNumber,"bottomSpaceBig")(1)
'    ProductNumber = split(ProductNumber,">")(1)
    WriteLog "Product Number is : " & sPNLeft & sPNRaute & sPNRight
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ProductNumber", sPNLeft & sPNRaute & sPNRight
    WarrantyCheckDate = Right("0" & Day(Date), 2) & "." & Right("0" & Month(Date), 2) & "." & Year(Date)
    WriteLog "Warranty Check Date is : " & WarrantyCheckDate
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "WarrantyCheckDate", WarrantyCheckDate
'// Get Care Pack or Basic Warranty
CarePack = split(xmlhttp.responseText,"hpui-normal-row")(1)
'wscript.echo Carepack
CarePack = split(CarePack,"rowspan")(1)
CarePack = split(CarePack,">")(1)
CarePack = split(CarePack,"<")(0)

If CarePack = "HP Care Pack" Then
	WriteLog "Carepack : Yes" 
	Carepack = "Yes"
	WarrantyEndDate = split(xmlhttp.responseText,"hpui-normal-row")(2)
	WarrantyEndDate = split(WarrantyEndDate,"</td>")(2)
	WarrantyEndDate = mid(WarrantyEndDate,5)
	WriteLog "Expiration Date is : " & WarrantyEndDate
	WarrantyStatus = split(xmlhttp.responseText,"hpui-normal-row")(2)
	WarrantyStatus = split(WarrantyStatus,"color")(1)
	WarrantyStatus = split(WarrantyStatus,">")(1)
	WarrantyStatus = split(WarrantyStatus,"<")(0)
	WriteLog "Warranty Status is : " & WarrantyStatus
	WriteLog "Carepack : No" 
	Carepack = "No"
	WarrantyEndDate = split(xmlhttp.responseText,"hpui-normal-row")(1)
	WarrantyEndDate = split(WarrantyEndDate,"<td>")(3)
	'WarrantyEndDate = replace(replace(WarrantyEndDate,vbcr,""),vblf,"")
	'WarrantyEndDate = split(WarrantyEndDate,"bottomSpaceBig")(1)
	'WarrantyEndDate = split(WarrantyEndDate,">")(1)
	WarrantyEndDay = split(WarrantyEndDate,".")(0)
	'WriteLog "day : " & WarrantyEndDay
	WarrantyEndMonth = split(WarrantyEndDate,".")(1)
	'WriteLog "month : " & WarrantyEndMonth
	WarrantyEndYear = split(WarrantyEndDate,".")(2)
	WarrantyEndYear = split(WarrantyEndYear,"<")(0)
	'WriteLog "year : " & WarrantyEndYear
	WarrantyEndDate = WarrantyEndDay & "." & WarrantyEndMonth & "." & WarrantyEndYear
	WriteLog "Expiration Date is : " & WarrantyEndDate
	WarrantyStatus = split(xmlhttp.responseText,"hpui-normal-row")(1)
	'WarrantyStatus = split(WarrantyStatus,"</span></td></tr>")(0)
	'WarrantyStatus = replace(replace(WarrantyStatus,vbcr,""),vblf,"")
	WarrantyStatus = split(WarrantyStatus,"color")(1)
	WarrantyStatus = split(WarrantyStatus,">")(1)
	WarrantyStatus = split(WarrantyStatus,"<")(0)
	WriteLog "Warranty Status is : " & WarrantyStatus
End If
	oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "Carepack", CarePack
	oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ExpirationDate", WarrantyEndDate
	oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "WarrantyStatus", WarrantyStatus
 End Function
 Function WriteLog (sText)
    If EnableLogging Then
        oLogfile.WriteLine Now() & "     " & sText
    End If
End Function


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