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Francis Tran

Windows PE initialization Network Connection failed with error code 0x80220014 or 0x80040154



Windows PE 1511 initialization Network Connection failed with error code 0x80220014 or  

Windows PE 1703, 1709 initialization Network Connection failed with error code 0x80040154 



m_pImpl->AddAdapterTcpIpSettings( XMLAnswerFileImpl::WindowsPE, adapterInfo ), HRESULT=80220014 
pAnswerFile->AddNetworkAdapter(adapterInfo), HRESULT=80220014 
Failed to configure adapter 0 
adapterSettings.Configure( pAnswerFile ), HRESULT=80220014 
Execution failed with error 80220014 


boot.wim contained wrong registry configuration. 


replace schema.dat of boot.wim  from hotfix  

More detailed at : 




You could down load hotfix at : 

Hotfix include: schema-x64.dat (for WinPE 64bits) and schema-x86.dat (for WinPE 32bits). They must be renamed to "schema.dat" before injected to boot.wim 



Step 1: Preparation 

  1. Copy the boot.wim to a directory of  your workstation  with "Deployment and Imaging Tool" 

       2.    Start an elevated “Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment” command prompt. 


Step 2: Prepare Windows PE 


dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\temp\WinPEx86\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:C:\temp\WinPEx86\mount 

Step 3: Save schema-x86.dat state 

Back up the permissions that are applied to the existing schema-x86.dat file before you replace it. To back up the file, type the following command, and then press Enter: 


icacls c:\Temp\WinPEx86\mount\Windows\System32\schema.dat /save "%temp%\AclFile" 


Step 4: Update the schema-x86.dat file 

To replace the schema-x86.dat file that has the updated version, you must take ownership of the file and grant permissions to the local administrators group. To do this, type the following commands, and then press Enter after each command: 

takeown /F c:\Temp\WinPEx86\mount\Windows\System32\schema.dat /A 

icacls c:\Temp\WinPEx86\mount\Windows\System32\schema.dat /grant BUILTIN\Administrators:(F) 

xcopy c:\Temp\WinPEx86\schema-x86.dat c:\Temp\WinPEx86\mount\Windows\System32\schema.dat /Y 


Step 5: Reset permissions and ownership 

When the schema-x86.dat file is replaced, the permissions saved in step 5 must be restored by running the following commands: 

icacls c:\Temp\WinPEx86\mount\Windows\System32\schema.dat /setowner "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" 

Restore original permission on the schema-x86.dat file 

icacls c:\Temp\WinPEx86\mount\Windows\System32\ /restore "%temp%\AclFile" 



Step 6: Commit Windows PE changes 

Commit the changes to the boot.wim file. To do this, type the following command, and then press Enter: 

dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\Temp\WinPEx86\mount /Commit 


Step 7: Add update boot image back to SCCM  


Step 8: Update distribution points 






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