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Customize TS [Setup Windows and ConfigMgr]


I would like to seperate the 'Setup Windows and ConfigMgr' Action.


From the documentation I can find the only thing I can find that this combined action does is call


-cscript at the ZTIConfigure.wsf

-Initiate a Reboot so MiniSetup Can run

-Post MiniSetup: Execute as Local System CCMSetup.exe.....


I would test this but I am not currently at work.


If this is correct I should Simply go into my OSD TS


Create a SubGroup 'Setup Windows [MiniSetup]' ( In the old 'Setup Windows and ConfigMgr' spot )

-Setup Toolkit Package

-Run Command Line: [ cscript.exe "%ScriptRoot%\ZTIConfigure.wsf" ]

-Restart Computer: [ The currently installed default operating system ] [ Uncheck Notify User ]



Than I could simply add the ConfigMgr Package to my Install Software action.


This is all from memory so please correct me if I am wrong.


Thoughts, ideas much appreciated.


Thank you,


Daniel Taft

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