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Deploy OneDrive Client 17.3.7076.1026 via SCCM

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Hello there everyone, I have been at this for quite some time and I have tried multiple possible ways to get this working. I have packaged up the new OneDrive Client Version 17.3.7076.1026 and the package gets installed when deployed. But the issue is that Software Center is throwing the following error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). 

Quick google of this error tells me that there is something up with the Detection Method. Below I am using a one liner to see if OneDrive.exe is present on the system:

If (Test-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Onedrive\OneDrive.exe) {"Software Installed"}

I even logged at the AppEnforce Log and it shows the following: Process 5724 terminated with exitcode: 0.

The application is getting installed, but I need to fix the issue with Software Center so I get accurate communication back on the deployment. Can someone please share with me what else can I try to get this issue resolved?

Thank you in advance :)


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