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Upgrade Windows 7 to Window 10 version 1703


I have done windows 7 to windows 10 upgrade version 1607 with no issues.  It does the upgrade in about 1 hour.  Which is great.

With 1703 it takes about 2.5 hours.  It sits on Waiting for service CcmExec to exit pending state 3 for over 1 hour.  I think that CCMEXEC.exe is trying to start but its in a stopping state.  I remoted into the services on the 

I read somewhere that there's a service that was dependant on it and that dependency can be removed by putting this in the beginning of the TS:

sc config "smstsmgr" depend= ""  

Still doesnt work.  Not sure if anyone else ran into this.

Executing C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe /remediate:client /OSUpgradeRepair    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 5:58:57 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %*    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 5:58:57 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Set command line: "C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /remediate:client /OSUpgradeRepair    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 5:58:57 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Executing command line: "C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /remediate:client /OSUpgradeRepair    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 5:58:57 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Process completed with exit code 0    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:21:10 PM    4972 (0x136C)
CcmSetup remediate succeeded.    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:21:10 PM    4972 (0x136C)
SMS Client remediated    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:21:10 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Enabling CCMExec service    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:21:10 PM    4972 (0x136C)
CcmExec service startup type is set to automatic    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:21:10 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Taking the client out of provisioning mode    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:21:20 PM    4972 (0x136C)
getPointer()->ExecMethod( BString(pszObject), BString(pszMethod), 0, 0, pInParams, ppOutParams, 0 ), HRESULT=80004005 (..\WmiNamespace.cpp,1391)    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:29 PM    4972 (0x136C)
ns.ExecMethod( c_szWmiClass_SmsClient, c_szSetProvisioningMode, inParams, &outParams ), HRESULT=80004005 (..\ProvisioningMode.cpp,64)    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:29 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Could not execute WMI method SMS_Client.SetClientProvisioningMode    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:29 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Exiting SetClientProvisioningMode 0x80004005    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:29 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Starting CCMExec service    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:29 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Waiting for service CcmExec to exit pending state 3    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:29 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Waiting for service CcmExec to exit pending state 3    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:29 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Waiting for service CcmExec to exit pending state 3    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:30 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Waiting for service CcmExec to exit pending state 3    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:30 PM    4972 (0x136C)
Waiting for service CcmExec to exit pending state 3    OSDUpgradeWindows    2/22/2018 6:26:31 PM    4972 (0x136C)

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On 2/23/2018 at 11:15 AM, soultrain99 said:

So correction.  Putting ConfigMgr Remote Control Users into the local computer seemed to fix the problem.  


I added this as command line to my TS:

cmd /c net localgroup "ConfigMgr Remote Control Users" /add

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