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Protecting Collections form being advertized to


I have been playing around with building Task Sequences for OSD and other Software Distributions. The problem lies that on two occasions aleady The ALL SYSTEMS Collection was targeted, inadvertanty, with an advertisement for OSD Capture Userstate and Deploy OS(Refresh). The Advertisement was distributed to 1100+ compters Luckily it was caught before any MAJOR Damage(Image a App Server with Vista( yikes). Is there A way to protect the All Systems collection from being Advertised to?


I have been looking through user rights and there are just way to many combinatons of rights to play with approx 23 different Classes and about 10 different permissions for each. Now comes the Tricky part. To Protect the All Systems Collection


-Under Class Collection there is a Permission for Advertise. I am not sure what this does because when checked or unchecked neither prevent you from making an advertisement to the collection


-Under Class Advertisement there is a permission for Create. This one gives me what I am looking for a far as being able to Prevent a advertisement from being created at all systems level but it also prevents me from Creating any/all Advertisements all together.


Idealy I would Still Like to Create and Edit Task Sequences and then be able to Advertise them to a Collection but I Really want to Lockout the All Systems Collection from advertisements.


Any Suggestions ?

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