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Office 365 Update being marked as compliant without installing

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I deployed the latest March Update for Office 365 to one Test Machine and it was marked as compliant even though it hasn't installed the update and is still on the old Office 365.

I have checked the logs, nothing there. I went through the logs mentioned here https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/bb693878.aspx

Can you someone please point me in the right direction of troubleshooting?

Thank you

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The software update isn't being installed because the registry match the version number of the new version.  Whereas in the respective applications, it's still on the old version, which means it hasn't updated.  Also Control Panel is showing the old version, which again confirms that Office 365 hasn't updated.

Just upgraded to SCCM 1702

Windows 10

Surface Pro 4


Can someone please assist in troubleshooting this issue?

Thank you

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