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Christoffer Mikkelsen

Definition updates wont be applied to windows 10 Clients

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Hi There!

Christoffer here, worked with SCCM for 2 Years! 



We have a customer who is running sccm 1806 - clients is minimum 1709.
Our problem is, that definition updates wont be applied to the windows 10 clients.
It startet to occur, after i installed a new standalone 2016 WSUS server, identical to their old 2012.

If i run the initial synchronization for the ADR i can see, almost all computers have a Group policy conflict, and from what i can read, it comes down to wsus gpo(update service location).

Edited by Christoffer Mikkelsen

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My test machine has 5.00.8692.1008 installed. And i believe that should be okay.

If i check the deployment, i got a "group policy conflict" error, and i think it has to do with the registry, "WUserver". 
The client and my gpo, is trying to set the same registry key, and somehow they conflict.

Furthermore, it says that i have 52 clients which is not protected, even tho, the client settings is set to use endpoint protection, and my antimalware policy is enabled.


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Well, that is a good question! 
When i started to work with sccm, the customer had WSUS installed on their enviorement.  - so i  installed the SCCM for use of windows deployment, and software deployment.
They didnt wanted to have the SUP feature, at the time.. 

I managed to make ADR work, and everything works like a Charm, with both Windows patch, and definition updates! But, i'm curious why it worked before - With the combination of both services?

I know the group policy overrule the sccm policies! 

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