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Failed to run task sequence (0x80004005)

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Since last Friday we can't provide any image to our devices anymore. 
The error occurs when I do a PXE boot and when I select the desired task sequence I see a screen (for 30 seconds) Resolving selected taks sequence dependencies.....
After this I got the error screen.

All tasks sequences have this error. I also created a new one with no actions in it, same error.
Error 0x80004005 can occur on many errors as I can find on the internet.
I also checked the certificate and there is 1 certificate blocked but this one already expired in 2014.
I examined the smsts.log and this is the error:
Failed to download policy {d4b89af7-b174-45bc-ad9b-c457ad2a22d9} (Code 0x80004005).
Before this error I first got 5 messages: BOM not found on policy reply

Is here someone who had an idea?



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Hey Ron,

I had the same problem and with me it was a problem with client settings.

I created a new one and that solved the problem.

We use unknow computer support and when I remove the device I was able to install the device again but when the client settings are active I got the exact same issues. 
I hope this can help you a little bit in the right direction. 
Kind regards 












Edited by Josl
leyout was not so nice

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