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How to fix "There is not enough available disk space on" when upgrading the ConfigMgr AdminConsole

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I was upgrading my Technical Preview 1902.2 lab to 1903TP and all went well, except for the AdminConsole upgrade (which now takes place a couple of minutes after the upgrade is done). After the site server upgrade is complete, you'll see a new notification in the AdminConsole advising you to upgrade your console.

A required component of the console is out of sync with your site. Install the new console version.

tp1903 done.png

After clicking on Install the new console version, the Admin Console automatically closes and an MSI kicks off, a few seconds later it fails with an odd error about lack of free disk space.

There is not enough available disk space on  to complete this operation. Installation requires at least 20MB free disk space.

at least 20mb free.png

I double checked my server storage and sure enough I had lots of free space, well above the 20MB mentioned.

free space on server.png

To get details of why the Admin console was failing, I referred to the ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log and ConfigMgrAdminUISetupVerbose.log logs located in the root of C:\

The following shows the error. The error occurs in the CcmCheckFreeDiskSpace check.

not enough free space in log.png

And interestingly it's referring to a TARGETDIR on my D:\ drive. This is the target location for the AdminConsole.


Close the ConfigMgr console and any MSI installation(s) that are in progress. Using Windows File Explorer.

Next, rename the AdminConsole directory as specified via the TARGETDIR line in ConfigMgrAdminUISetupVerbose.log to AdminConsole.OLD as shown below.

Before changing folder name.

adminconsole before rename.png

And here's the same folder after changing it to AdminConsole.old.

adminconsole renamed.png

Once done, search the ConfigMgrAdminUISetupVerbose.log log file for the following line

CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Program Files (x86)\ConfigMgr10\AdminconsoleSetup\

Here's that line highlighted.


Now that you know where the MSI installer is, browse to that folder using Windows File Explorer, answer Yes if prompted.

file permissions.png

and double click on the ConsoleSetup.exe file contained within.


You will be prompted with the ConsoleSetup wizard,

adminc console wizard.png

click your way through it to completion.

wizard complete.png

And once done, you'll see the new upgraded console !

1903tp done.png

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