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How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1902 on Windows Server 2019 with SQL Server 2017 - Part 5

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I am using two server for sccm and db separately.. that's the reason I might be missing some of the components.. I am checking it .. Always need your guidance please.. I am checking the ConfigMgrPrereq log file here the sql server  computer pointing to the same server of sccm.. I want to change it to different server whre DB is running.. Please help  

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Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is needed for software updates synchronization and for the software updates applicability scan on clients. The WSUS server must be installed before you create the software update point role. The following versions of WSUS are supported for a software update point:


source > https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/sum/plan-design/prerequisites-for-software-updates

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So I'm follow your instructions verbatim, but when running the ConfigMgrSetup, it bombs out. This is in the log:

INFO: Verifying hash for file 'C:\Source\SCCMPrereqs\msrdcoob_amd64.exe'  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-15-2019 11:09:15.943+300><thread=4688 (0x1250)>
WARNING: File hash mismatch for C:\Source\SCCMPrereqs\msrdcoob_amd64.exe  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-15-2019 11:09:16.075+300><thread=4688 (0x1250)>
INFO: Downloaded file 'C:\Source\SCCMPrereqs\msrdcoob_amd64.exe' is not valid  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-15-2019 11:09:16.095+300><thread=4688 (0x1250)>
ERROR: Failed to download required file  $$<Configuration Manager Setup><11-15-2019 11:09:16.116+300><thread=4688 (0x1250)>

Is there a way to get around it?


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it looks like it's failing on the SCCM pre req files, i'm guessing the files it's downloaded are 0 bytes in size, can you check ?

as it is the pre-reqs that are failing, can you delete them, and run the script again to download the pre-reqs, here it is..


# Download SCCM prerequisite files, 2019/4/23 Niall Brady, https://www.windows-noob.com
# This script:            Downloads SCCM prerequisite files
# Before running:         Extract the SCCM Current Branch baseline version ISO to the $SCCMPath folder, eg: C:\Source\SCCM1902. Edit the variables as necessary (lines 17-19).
# Usage:                  Run this script on the ConfigMgr Primary Server as a user with local Administrative permissions on the server
  If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(`
        [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] “Administrator”))

        Write-Warning “You do not have Administrator rights to run this script!`nPlease re-run this script as an Administrator!”

# below variables are customizable
$SourcePath = "C:\Source"
# where is the media ?
$SCCMPath = "C:\Source\SCCM1902"
$PrerequisitesPath = "$SourcePath" + "\SCCMPrereqs"
# please don't edit below this line
write-host "Starting SCCM prerequisites download script..."
write-host ""

# Check for SCCM source files
write-host "Checking for ConfigMgr media in $SCCMPath..." -nonewline
if (Test-Path "$SCCMPath\SMSSETUP"){
Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green
 } else {
write-host "Error" -ForegroundColor Red
write-host "Please extract the SCCM media to '$SCCMPath' and then try running this script again..."

write-host "Checking for'$PrerequisitesPath' folder..." -nonewline

# Check for prerequisites download path folder, if not present create it
if (Test-Path "$PrerequisitesPath"){
 Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green
 #write-host "The folder '$PrerequisitesPath' already exists, therefore this script will not download the prerequisites."
 } else {
mkdir "$PrerequisitesPath" | out-null
Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green
# start the SCCM prerequisite downloader
write-host "Downloading SCCM version prerequisite files..." -nonewline
$filepath = "$SCCMPath\SMSSETUP\bin\X64\SETUPDL.exe"
# remove /NoUI if you want to see the download progress UI
$Parms = "/NoUI `"$PrerequisitesPath`""
$Prms = $Parms.Split(" ")

{& "$filepath" $Prms | Out-Null}
{Write-Host "error!" -ForegroundColor red
Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green


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Following the guide manually, I get the following errors on SCCM install:

1: The logon account for the SQL Server service cannot be a local user account, NT SERVICE\<sql service name> or LOCAL SERVICE.  You must configure the SQL Server service to use a valid domain account, NETWORK SERVICE, or LOCAL SYSTEM. (failed)

2: The site server might be unable to publish to Active Directory. The computer account for the site server must have Full Control permissions to the System Management container in its Active Directory domain. You can ignore this warning if you have manually verified these permissions. For more information about your options to configure required permissions, see  https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=233190. (warning)

3. Configuration Manager requires that you configure your SQL Server instance and Configuration Manager site database (if already present) to use the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation, unless you are using a Chinese operating system and require GB18030 support.  For information about changing your SQL Server instance and database collations, see  https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=234541.  For information about enabling GB18030 support, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=234542. (failed) (This surprised me, as I did change to latin, as per the guide, tho' I didn't do anything about GB18030 support) (and the MS links supplied in the error text don't work!)

4. SQL Server is configured for unlimited memory usage. You should configure SQL Server memory to have a maximum limit. (warning) (Didn't see any steps to configure this in the manual process)

5. Configuration Manager requires SQL Server to reserve a minimum of 8 gigabytes (GB) of memory for the central administration site and primary site and a minimum of 4 gigabytes (GB) for the secondary site. This memory is reserved by using the Minimum server memory setting under Server Memory Options and is configured by using SQL Server Management Studio. For more information about how to set a fixed amount of memory, see  https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=233759. (warning)

6. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is required for the management point and distribution point site system roles. BITS is not installed, IIS 6 WMI compatibility component for IIS7 is not installed on this computer or the remote IIS host, or Setup was unable to verify remote IIS settings because IIS common components were not installed on the site server computer. Also, check if IIS/BITS services are running properly. Setup cannot continue until BITS is installed and enabled in the IIS settings. (warning) (I haven't seen BITS mentioned in the guide yet??)

7. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is required for the management point and distribution point site system roles. BITS is not installed, IIS 6 WMI compatibility component for IIS7 is not installed on this computer or the remote IIS host, or Setup was unable to verify remote IIS settings because IIS common components were not installed on the site server computer. Also, check if IIS/BITS services are running properly. Setup cannot continue until BITS is installed and enabled in the IIS settings. (warning)

Edited by 56Seeker
Forgot info on MS links

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Following the guide manually, I get the following errors on SCCM install: 

are you sure you followed my guide 100% or did you change anything ? if so what ?

please do tell us more about how you did this

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14 hours ago, anyweb said:

Following the guide manually, I get the following errors on SCCM install: 

are you sure you followed my guide 100% or did you change anything ? if so what ?

please do tell us more about how you did this

Well to be honest, I'm a crap scripter and avoid it where possible, so I just followed the manual steps in the guide.
That's to say, I slavishly followed the manual steps and didn't change anything. As it's a lab, I even used the same variable values such as IP addressing and domain names.

Errors by number:

1 + 3) SQL login. Normally we'd used mixed mode, but the manual steps specified Windows log in. I used the "current user" button in SQL administrators set up as shown in the screen shot in part 4. I did set the database engine as "SQL latin..... as shown in part 4 (which puzzled me, it's not a setting we normally play with, all our prod. databases are running the default setting, which considering the vast majority of our servers are US english OS with DK input, could be anything....). Reviewing Part 4 again, I see no instructions regarding GB108030 support, what ever that is, so I'm googling that right now to see how to remedy.

2) Publishing. I think this is a spurious warning, as I did the schema extensions and permissions as stated.

4) SQL memory. Again, this isn't something we normally fiddle with, and reviewing the article again I can see memory limits are stated in the script, but not in the manual "how-to".

5) RAM. I'll take this as just a warning as it's a laptop lab, RAM and CPU resources are quite limited.

6) No idea. I've installed the features stated, in the order stated. To be fair I haven't checked the associated script to see if it's installing more than the manual "how to".

7) as 6!

Luckily I took plenty of snapshots along the way, so I can go back and try again.....  (and thanks the help, by the way....)

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