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Monitoring SOftware Update Deployments


Hi all,


I was just wondering what the best way is to monitor Software Update deployments. Before I configured our SUP (thank you windows-noob.com !!!) I had my own little system of scripted update packages going out as bog standard Advertisements. Because they were Advertisements, I could easily get an immediate overhead view of how many clients had received, executed, completed or failed to run the Advertisement, over all my sites. There doesn't seem to be anything this immediately obvious for Software Updates, or is there something I'm missing in any of the various reports targeted at this subject?


Any ideas, suggestions or preferred methods out there?




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Hi all,


I was just wondering what the best way is to monitor Software Update deployments. Before I configured our SUP (thank you windows-noob.com !!!) I had my own little system of scripted update packages going out as bog standard Advertisements. Because they were Advertisements, I could easily get an immediate overhead view of how many clients had received, executed, completed or failed to run the Advertisement, over all my sites. There doesn't seem to be anything this immediately obvious for Software Updates, or is there something I'm missing in any of the various reports targeted at this subject?


Any ideas, suggestions or preferred methods out there?






Try this report i did the other day. Please tell me if you find any bugz, havent been able to test it all that much yet.


select 'Total number of active patches within 30days:', COUNT(distinct Title) AS 'Count'

FROM v_GS_PatchStatusEx

WHERE (DATEDIFF(Day, LastStatusTime, GETDATE())) <=30


select 'Percent sucessfully installed', round(100.0*COUNT( case when LastState=107 or LastState=105 then ResourceID else NULL end)/COUNT(ResourceID),1) as 'Procent succesful'

FROM v_GS_PatchStatusEx

WHERE (DATEDIFF(Day, LastStatusTime, GETDATE())) <=30


select ps.ID, ps.QNumbers, ps.Title,

round(100.0*COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState=107 or ps.LastState=105 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end)/COUNT(distinct ps.ResourceID),1) as 'Procent succesful' ,

COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState=107 or ps.LastState=105 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end) as 'Distribution Successful',

COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState=101 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end) as 'Distribution Failed',

COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState not in (107,105,101) then ps.ResourceID else NULL end) as 'Distribution Incomplete',

COUNT(distinct ps.ResourceID) as 'In Distribution Scope',

'SMS00001' as 'CollectionID',

'Microsoft Update' as 'Type',


from v_GS_PatchStatusEx ps

join v_FullCollectionMembership fcm on ps.ResourceID=fcm.ResourceID

join v_ApplicableUpdatesSummaryEx inf on


where fcm.CollectionID= 'SMS00001' and

inf.Type = 'Microsoft Update'


AND (DATEDIFF(Day, ps.LastStatusTime, GETDATE())) <=30

group by ps.ID, ps.QNumbers, ps.Title, inf.InfoPath


Cheers! :)

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