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Setting up SCCM 2k7 Server

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I will setup an SCCM 2007 server on windows 2k8 standard edition!


also SQL 2008.


I have read a lot of how doing this and what to look out with!


The Server is already installed with 2K8 standard edition,


activated 2K8 windows

all ms updates done.

MMC3.0 = ok


The server wont running DC neither AD etc..is installed on other server though


.NET 3.5 SP1 from ms is instald!

some roles are already added like


1. IIS (ASP not yet) webdav neither




are the roles like

webdav , deployment services, ASP , WSUS , necessary?


I want to run the prerequisites of SCCM 2007 after I installed the SQL server,

to see what is failed or more necessary to install on the server!


I have read in other topics about webdav and saved the link for the IIS 7.0 x86


do I have to configure the windows deployment services settings?



some more info is always welcome! like this issues = Powershel Fastcgi needed?


thanx in advance

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if you want to deploy OS's then you'll need windows deployment services,


i'd suggest you start with setting up Sccm by following the section called Setup SCCM in this list of guides


good luck !




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I'm stucked.Hope you can help me out !

I installed everything I readed in guides etc...

I have some errors (critical)in my Config Mange.Console => under site status.




this is one error detail!when I try to push te Windows SP3 to an client that came from the box

and only set the PXE Boot!


MP Control Manager detected DMP is not responding to HTTP requests. The http status code and text is 500, Internal Server Error.


Possible cause: DMP encountered an error when connecting to SQL Server.

Solution: Verify that the SQL server is properly configured to allow Device Management Point access.

If using a standard SQL security account, verify

that the SQL Server is configured to allow standard SQL Security;

or configure the Device Management Point to use an NT integrated security account,

with appropriate access. If using integrated security, verify the account used by the DMP to connect to the SQL server

is a member of the SMS_SiteSystemToSQLConnection_<sitecode> group on the SQL server, that the account is not locked out,

and that the account password is not expired. (In standard security, the default account is SMS_SQL_RX_<sitecode>.)


Possible cause: The SQL server Service Principal Names (SPNs) are not registered correctly in Active Directory

Solution: Ensure SQL server SPNs are correctly registered. Review Q829868.


Possible cause: Internet Information Services (IIS) isn't configured to listen on the ports over which SMS is

configured to communicate.

Solution: Verify that the designated Web Site is configured to use the same ports which SMS is configured to use.


Possible cause: The designated Web Site is disabled in IIS.

Solution: Verify that the designated Web Site is enabled, and functioning properly.


Possible cause: The SMS ISAPI Application Identity does not have the requisite logon privileges.

Solution: Verify that the account that the SMS ISAPI is configured to run under has not been denied batch

logon rights through group policy.


then i also readed through a long time googlin =:

Sounds like your server is low on NPP memory. It happens to mine frequently and I've narrowed it down to Symantec AntiVirus (older version) hogging it.




If it is low NPP memory, rebooting the server is the only way to get it going again.

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