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Chaining an OS Upgrade Task Sequence

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Is it safe to chain an OS upgrade Task Sequence?

For example, I've finally been able to upgrade Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 to Windows 10 Enterprise 1703, then once that upgrade is complete, I want it to immediately upgrade from 1703 - 1903.

Will it work like this? Or do I need to create some sort of variable, etc. 




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why bother chaining in this example, it just adds more complexity, why not just create a collection that holds your 1703 computers, and target a 1903 upgrade to that

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Primarily the remaining computers I am upgrading are Windows 7, so I'd like to hit them all with Windows 10 1703, then right after upgrade them to 1903. I've got individual collections for both 7, and 1703. Was hoping/trying to accomplish a one-two punch to upgrade, then upgrade.

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you can try that, but like i said, it will be less complicated with a collection and dual deployment. But try both methods and see which works best in your environment, then report back here.

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