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how can I view the USMT recovery key


Emergency recovery of User State


you've done a Computer Association between a Destination and Source computer, captured the user state, and now for some reason need to manually restore it. However to do so you need the User State Recovery Key, so how do you find out what that is ?


To do that open Computer Association and right click on the Computer Association you need to get details from.


computer association - view recovery information.jpg


select view recovery information from the choices and you'll see the following:-




user state recovery information, this reveals the following details


Computer Association


  • Source Computer
  • Destination Computer
  • Migration Type


Recovery Information


  • User State Store Location
  • User State Recovery Key



see below:-



user state recovery information.jpg



Finding the encryption key via the Database



In addition to the above, the encryption key is stored in the database table StateMigration.

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2 answers to this question

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There is a procedure in case of hard link migration?

I mean if I use a task sequence that:

- capture userstate in hard link mode

- apply operating system without formatting

- restore hard link captured profile

and during apply os the task sequence fails, do you think is possible to recover the user profiles captured?

the files should still be on Hard disk because apply os do not format the disk.

do you think the O.S. could be reinstalled excluding OSDStateStorePath and restore captured profile ?



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