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use TS to create domain users


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Yes this is possible


Easiest is to create a batchfile and fire that off from your TS.


Here are some good commandlines that can be used in the batch file:


net user jsmith Password1 /ADD /FULLNAME:"John Smith" /COMMENT:"This is a comment!"

net group "Domain Users" jsmith /ADD

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this is very much depending on what you would like to acomplish and how your enviroment is setup.


Either you create a package and add the batchfile to this package or you can achive the same functionallity by calling the batch/command lines from a "Run command line Step" from within your TS.


The step should be implemented somewhere after you have applied your OS image.

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Hi so i tried to add an user over TS but that doenst work. You said, i have to place the CMD command somewhere after the build of the system.


Firstly i have placed the CMD User add step at least after "Setup Windows and Config Mgr" then i got the error after rebooting (Picture 1 after Reebot other Error Picture 3)


So newly i have placed the CMD step directly after "Configure Network Settings" but i got an error (last Picture)


--> are my CMD Useradd commandos right or somewhere an error ??


thanks a lot



-- no its a physical machine





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Hi so i tried to add an user over TS but that doenst work. You said, i have to place the CMD command somewhere after the build of the system... i've done it like in my printscreens watch them please, and it worked - the build tasksequence gone thru all steps, rebootet and then came "Windows is configuring for the first start" and then the error came which always came again after some reboots


The error after 1-2 reboots says something like : The computer was rebootet and cant be started properly. The first error at the same place was something : windows-shell-error.


can you help me please is very important - and where have i to paste the CMD commands in the build TS ??


thanks a lot



Are you deploying to a virtual machine?

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no physical



I se 2 problems :P

1) The command line has to start with cmd.exe /c

The /c is for the silent istall after that you can try to add the rest of the command.

2) Leave the Start in empty, this is not necessary and this is also the problem of the following error 0x00000001.

It means that SCCM can’t find the pad specified.


For example you can try the next line.

cmd.exe /c net user RMA local_x /ADD timeout /t1 net user ……

Sometimes is it better to use multiple command line task sequences.


I hope that this helps you :)






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