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can't capture windows 7


Am I gettin it right?


To capture a Windows 7 do I need a Baremetal or an allready setup client to capture it?


I can't read the smsts.log file on a "baremetal machine"!!!


And spezially: has the WDS to run on the same machine like the SCCM? because my PXESetup sais:


<04-06-2010 13:02:11> SMSPXE Setup Started....

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> Parameters: C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\bin\i386\ROLESE~1.EXE /install /siteserver:SCCM-TEST SMSPXE

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> Installing Pre Reqs for SMSPXE

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> ======== Installing Pre Reqs for Role SMSPXE ========

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> Found 1 Pre Reqs for Role SMSPXE

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> Pre Req MSXML60 found.

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> No versions of MSXML60 are installed. Would install new MSXML60.

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> Enabling MSI logging. msxml6_x64.msi will log to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\msxml6_x64MSI.log

<04-06-2010 13:02:11> Installing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\00000409\msxml6_x64.msi

<04-06-2010 13:02:12> msxml6_x64.msi exited with return code: 0

<04-06-2010 13:02:12> msxml6_x64.msi Installation was successful.

<04-06-2010 13:02:12> ======== Completed Installion of Pre Reqs for Role SMSPXE ========

<04-06-2010 13:02:12> Installing the SMSPXE

<04-06-2010 13:02:12> Machine is running Windows 2003 SP1 or later. (NTVersion=0X601, ServicePack=0)

<04-06-2010 13:02:12> Error - WDS is not installed. Installation cannot continue



So I'm wondering what else i can do. I read almost all the topics in this forum (in others aswell) and it's getting veeeery itchy now...



any help please?



thanks and cheeers A.

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Hi Peter


thanks for your reply. Another question:


the PXE doesnt work, because it lacks the wds on the same machine! But I can't install the wds (add server) on another machine then the dhcp. And in the other hand I can't deploy or capture without having wds on the same machine as sccm.


I have startet the "WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto Discover"- service on the DHCP Machine, I have followed the suggestions from these guys and I just wonder why Microsoft (spezially Technet) isn't able to explain theyr products properly!!!


I'm running out of time while reading and reading... My ZTI Deployment MUST work in less than 3 Weeks (for my final presentation in the apprentis-ship).


this is harassing me :blink:


I am greatfull for any inputs. if someone has had or heard of the same problem before



thanks A.

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Hi Niall


thanks for bearing a hand.


I've managed to solve it: The WDS is on the same server as the SCCM and Pre-requisites. anyways, I had to switch User, took the SMSadmin-account from the AD-DS, which is on the other server, to add a WDS-Server. It worked.


What do you mean by PSP (Play Station Portable?)?? :D I have IIS, WDS and WSUS on the same server...


Now I'm trying to create an MDT-TaskSequence (TS). MDT is Integrated of course but the Wizard for creating MDT-TS aborts all the time.


I'm just not sure of one thing: the reference computer has allready to be set up for a capture or does the TS take place for a Zero-Touch-Installation of Windwos 7 instead?


I know, should probably restart a new topic here, but for all my tiny questions??? ;)


thanks a lot for your guy's concernes...

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