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Can't attend MMS 2010 ?

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If you cannot attend MMS 2010 for whatever reason then all hope is not lost, you can still participate, from your desk.




You can watch some of the highlights on Video streams at the following addresses:



Video Streams


* MMS for non-attendees via myITForum.

* The official MMS 2010 site.



Keynote Speeches


Pay particular attention to try and watch the two Keynotes on Tuesday April 20th (servers) and Wednesday April 21st at (clients) - approx 8-10 PST


Get Notified


If you'd like to get notified about MMS updates then send a blank email to mmsnotfy@microsoft.com



Online Labs


Some of the Labs covered in MMS 2010 will be released 6 weeks after the event on Technet.




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