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how to modify a captured wim image after os build?


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Or could I do something like this:


build task sequence installs alls apps that I want and bevor the sysprep / capture task is started, I can login to the machine and modify things.


After reboot, the task sequence with sysprep and the capture continues.


is that possible?

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of course, what i havent pointed out is you can mount the wim using imagex and make physical changes to files etc, but, in SCCM the recommended way is always to build and capture, and the entire build process should encompass all changes required before the capture, you can separate build from the capture..... to split up the process

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of course, what i havent pointed out is you can mount the wim using imagex and make physical changes to files etc, but, in SCCM the recommended way is always to build and capture, and the entire build process should encompass all changes required before the capture, you can separate build from the capture..... to split up the process




I've tried the autologin example but the system is not auto login... it's rebooting after that sequence and sysprepen.

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of course, what i havent pointed out is you can mount the wim using imagex and make physical changes to files etc, but, in SCCM the recommended way is always to build and capture, and the entire build process should encompass all changes required before the capture, you can separate build from the capture..... to split up the process


hi again


do you have an idea why autologin as a part of the last task sequence doesn't work?


thx for your feedback.

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Just tossing this out there... In my opinion, the best way to modify user profile settings is by using a script that loads the default user registry hive, makes the needed changes, and then unloads the hive. This way you can add the script as part of your task sequence and you don't have to worry about doing things manually. Also, a lot of times I see odd remnants and fluff left in the default profile when people generate their own custom profiles and just copy it over the built-in default profile.


While it's a little outdated and needs refreshed, if you want to do something like what I mentioned, you might check out the VBScript located here: http://www.myitforum.com/articles/11/view.asp?id=10825

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