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Need to rename PC during OSD


Hi all, I need some help and it might be something easy. I have no scripting skills and tried various methods on the internet but it's not working.

All I want is for the TS to ask me what computer name I want for the deployment, some sort of popup.

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I have the following in a PS script but the TS fails.

[string] $MacAddress = Get-WmiObject Win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where {$_.ipenabled -match "True"} | select -ExpandProperty MacAddress | select -First 1
[string[]]$TextFiles = Get-Content \\fileshare\*.txt
foreach ($element in $TextFiles){
[string[]]$TextFilesSplit = $element.Split("=")
[string]$MacFromArray = $TextFilesSplit[0]
[string]$ComputerNameFromArray = $TextFilesSplit[1]
$MacFromArray = $MacFromArray.Trim(" ")
$ComputerNameFromArray = $ComputerNameFromArray.Trim(" ")
if($MacAddress -eq $MacFromArray){
$OSDComputerName = $ComputerNamefromArray
$TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment 
$TSEnv.Value("OSDComputerName") = "$OSDComputerName"


This is what the log file says

Running powershell script: 'OSDComputerName.ps1'(PkgID: BFM000E5) with execution policy: 'Bypass'    RunPowerShellScript    2019-08-23 09:11:47    2788 (0x0AE4)
Filesystem::File::Exists( sPowerShellPath.c_str() ) == true, HRESULT=80070490 (main.cpp,345)    RunPowerShellScript    2019-08-23 09:11:47    2788 (0x0AE4)
PowerShell.exe does not exist at 'X:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe'    RunPowerShellScript    2019-08-23 09:11:47    2788 (0x0AE4)
ExecutePowerShellScript(sScriptName, sParameters, sPackageID, sExecutionPolicy, sOutputVariableName, dwPSRunExitCode), HRESULT=80070490 (main.cpp,876)    RunPowerShellScript    2019-08-23 09:11:47    2788 (0x0AE4)
Run PowerShell script failed to run, hr=0x80070490    RunPowerShellScript    2019-08-23 09:11:47    2788 (0x0AE4)
Process completed with exit code 2147943568    TSManager    2019-08-23 09:11:47    1040 (0x0410)

And I'm trying to run it like the attached.

Untitled picture.png

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