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defaultuser0 and account unknown?

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Hello all. I've run into a bit of an odd issue with a defaultuser0 account being created, as well as an "account unknown" showing up in User Profiles. I am able to log in with a domain account, as well as a local account, but one side effect of these two "accounts" is that the "Desktop" shortcut under "Quick Access" is stuck to "C:\Users\Default\Desktop" regardless whether a domain or local account logs on the computer.



Is there some step I can do to prevent this "defaultuser0" and account unknown from being created, or any way to purge these two accounts during OSD? I manually can remove Account Unknown, delete C:\Users\Default, re-pin the "Desktop" to quick access, and it functions fine. 


Additional info: Used build and capture process on a base install.wim, did no configuration changes, so essentially a vanilla image, but not just using install.wim.

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