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OLD SCCM server still ADSI

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So I stood a newer virtual instance of SCCM a couple of years ago that replaced an older instance on hardware. I recently noticed that if I do a find site on a client the old site code will pop up but manually entering the new site code is fine. And on client settings have the new site code explicitly stated. 

I checked the reg and we are not using GP to assign the site code and what is there looks right. I then checked with ADSI Edit low and behold the old entries for the site code and the old server are there even though I could swear that they were removed. 

My question is I can just remove those older entries or should I do a deep DNS search to make sure that all the old references are gone and then delete.



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yes you can go ahead and remove them from the System Management contiainer, they won't return unless something is actually publishing them there

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