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Software Update Fails After Requiring SSL 8531

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Client logs show: 0x800b0109

I have done all the standard checking for this error and nothing seems to resolve it. I'm allowing Third Party certs via GPO to all clients but they just won't scan. I exported the cert from the server and imported it on the client (which actually shows two in both locations because SCCM client put there there for me).  All the logs indicate that it occurred last Wed the 22nd. This corresponds to the time I enabled 3rd Party Software Updates which generates a new SSL Cert. I have checked the client certs and the Self-Signed WSUS created by the the thurd party enable is in both locations.

What should the IIS "WSUS Administration" Server use for Bindings to port 8351?

Where else can I look to make sure I'm using the correct cert?




One other interesting note I have noticed.  In the client when I navigate to https://wsusserver.domain.com:8531/ClientWebService/client.asmx I receive a certificate error.  

The "WSUS Administration" site on the WSUS Server (SCCM) is set to our companies Universal SSL Certificate.However, from the client when I navigate to the https site it's pulling the Server SQL Cert that expires in 100 years.

On the client if I view the cert in the browser and install it under the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" the client scans successfully. 

So my questions is, why does the Binding on the WSUS Administration site not flow down into the ClientWebService?




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I was able to get it resolved.   

Rebooting the server didn't help......  IISRESET was the key.  It pushed the bindings down through all the areas needed.

Now client can scan server successfully.

Thank you everything for listening to me talk this out loud and work through it.




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