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Redelivering Packages to Rebuild/Reimaged


I’ve been trying to work out how to get SCCM to redeliver packages to a workstation that is rebuilt, without having to delete the old workstation from the SCCM Console, or manually resend the packages. In this scenario, the workstation will have been built with a baselined OS and a SCCM agent, then a number of packages would have been delivered by SCCM over a period of time, and then for whatever reason, the workstation is rebuilt with the baselined OS /SCCM agent. The question is, how to get SCCM to automatically redeliver the packages ...


I’m pleased to say that I’ve managed to prove this in a test environment. It’s all down to an option in the Advertisement “Program rerun behaviour”. If that’s set to “Always rerun Program”, then the rebuilt workstation gets the packages without human intervention.


However, I need to check that there are no unforeseen issues with this approach (like adverts continually rerunning, thereby putting an additional load on the system, or clogging up the log files with error messages). I have not specified a schedule on the advert, so I don’t see why it would behave in this way, but I'd appreciate any feedback.


Thanks, Rob

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We create a series of AD Groups linked to collections in SCCM that pushes the packages to the Workstations in the group. part of the build process runs some vb script as part of the TS and removes and re-adds the computer to the group and refreshes the collections. once the workstation is built the packages are redelivered and an HTA at logon prompts which applications the the is scheduled to have deployed or is approved to have.

user checks what they want and good to go



start with checking out the pinned items in the Deployment forum







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