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OSD using vbs for Machine Name for Uknown Computers




I was looking for someone that has good VB scripting backgound that could give me a hand. Our enterprise is pretty much an all Dell shop, and our techs name the machines with the Dell service tag mainly for asset tracking. Now, I setup a Task Sequence for OSD and advertised it to the "All Unknown Computers" collection for all bare metal machines. Now I have a working script that I added into the TS that will bring up a pop-up box asking for the machine name (i know you can set this as a variable in the collection, but i like the script better), here is the script i am using for that:


Dim sNewComputerName, oTaskSequence, sTSMachineName

Set oTaskSequence = CreateObject ("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")

' Get the name the computer is set to receive and truncate to first 6 letters

sTSMachineName = oTAskSequence("_SMSTSMachineName")

sTSMachineName = lcase(left(sTSMachineName,6))

If sTSMachineName = "minint" Then

' The wscript.echo commands are logged in SMSTS.log for troubleshooting.

' They are not displayed to the end user.

wscript.echo "Detected that the computer name is scheduled to receive a random value. Prompting user to input a standard name."

sNewComputerName = InputBox ("Please enter a standard computer name.", "Computer Name", , 30,30)

oTaskSequence("OSDComputerName") = sNewComputerName

wscript.echo "Set Task Sequence variable OSDComputerName to: " & sNewComputerName


wscript.echo "Computer set to receive a standard name, continuing as is."

End If



NOW, rather than having the script ask for a computer name and have the tech enter the asset/service Tag off the Dell, i would like to have a script like the one above, but rather than asking to enter the computer name, i would like to query the BIOS for the Dell asset tag and automatically use the results as the OSDComputerName. I have the VBS that gets the information i need from the BIOS but i can't for some reason get it to work with the TS, keeps erroring out of me. I tried to take peices from the ove script and added some lines from the below script with no luck. If anyone has a script or knows how to create one with what i have let me know. Thanks for the help/




Set objWMIservice = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")

set colitems = objWMIservice.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS",,48)

For each objitem in colitems

Wscript.echo objitem.serialnumber


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theres a few way's you could achieve this... use a vbs works well or use wsname as another option.


heres how we do by VBS and INI file


'// Script File:
'//   RenamePC.vbs
'//   This script will rename this PC to the
'//   standard by pulling it's Asset tag from
'//   the BIOS or prompting the operator if that fails.
'// Notes:
'//   Typical modifications:
'//      None.  This program is controlled by Customer.ini

' Initialization
Program = "RenamePC.vbs"
Plog "Starting"

Dim CType
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set reg = GetObject("winmgmts:root\default:StdRegProv")

Source = ReadIni("C:\build\customer.ini", "RenamePC", "Source")
Length = trim(ReadIni("C:\build\customer.ini", "RenamePC", "Length"))
Prefix = ReadIni("C:\build\customer.ini", "RenamePC", "Prefix")

Select Case Trim(UCase(Source))
 Case "ASSET"
		Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")

		Dim colSMBIOS: Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SystemEnclosure")
		Dim objComputer, PCName

		For Each Asset in colSMBIOS
	  	tmp = trim(Asset.SMBIOSAssetTag)

		For a = 1 to Len(tmp)
	  	c = Mid(tmp,a,1)
	  	If c >= "0" And c <= "9" Then PCName = PCName + c

		Do While Cint(Len(PCName)) <> Cint(Length)
	  	tmp = InputBox("Enter Asset Number.  This must be a " & Trim(length) & " digit number only.  Please ignore the text component of the Asset number if one exists.  If you can't find the PC's Asset number STOP.  You must arrange for an asset number sticker to be place on the PC before proceeding.")

	  	PCName = ""
	  	For a = 1 to Len(tmp)
	    	c = Mid(tmp,a,1)
	    	If c >= "0" And c <= "9" Then PCName = PCName + c


 Case "SERIAL"
		Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:")
		Set colSettingsBios = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS")

		For Each objComputer in colSettingsBios
			PCName = Trim(objComputer.SerialNumber)

		NotZero = False
		For a = 1 to Len(pcname)
	  	If Mid(pcname,a,1) <> "0" Then NotZero = True

		If Not NotZero Then PCName = ""			

		Do While cint(Len(PCName)) < cint(Length)
			PCName = InputBox("Please enter this PC's Serial Number exactly as shown on the cabinet.")
 Case "PROMPT"
		Do While cint(Len(PCName)) < Cint(Length)
			PCName = InputBox("Please enter this machines reference number and press <Enter>.")

End select

CompName = Prefix + PCName

If cint(Len(CompName)) > 15 Then CompName = Prefix + Right(pcname,15 - Len(Prefix))

PLog "Computer Name = " & CompName

Shell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName", CompName
Shell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\NV Hostname", CompName

PLog "Finished - Initiaing Shutdown"

SHELL.run "shutdown -r -t 5"

Function ReadIni(file, section, item)
ReadIni = ""
file = Trim(file)
item = Trim(item)
Set ini = fs.OpenTextFile( file, 1, True)

Do While ini.AtEndOfStream = False
	line = ini.ReadLine
	line = Trim(line)
	If LCase(line) = "[" & LCase(section) & "]" Then
		line = ini.ReadLine
		line = Trim(line)
		Do While Left( line, 1) <> "["
			'If InStr( 1, line, item & "=", 1) = 1 Then
			equalpos = InStr(1, line, "=", 1 )
			If equalpos > 0 Then
				leftstring = Left(line, equalpos - 1 )
				leftstring = Trim(leftstring)
				If LCase(leftstring) = LCase(item) Then
					ReadIni = Mid( line, equalpos + 1 )
					ReadIni = Trim(ReadIni)
					Exit Do
				End If
			End If

			If ini.AtEndOfStream Then Exit Do
			line = ini.ReadLine
			line = Trim(line)
		Exit Do
	End If

End Function



the customer.ini component.

Length    = 6
Prefix    = TKY123
Source    = SERIAL

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theres a few way's you could achieve this... use a vbs works well or use wsname as another option.


heres how we do by VBS and INI file


'// Script File:
'//   RenamePC.vbs
'//   This script will rename this PC to the
'//   <company name> standard by pulling it's Asset tag from
'//   the BIOS or prompting the operator if that fails.
'// Notes:
'//   Typical modifications:
'//      None.  This program is controlled by Customer.ini

' Initialization
Program = "RenamePC.vbs"
Plog "Starting"

Dim CType
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set reg = GetObject("winmgmts:root\default:StdRegProv")

Source = ReadIni("C:\build\customer.ini", "RenamePC", "Source")
Length = trim(ReadIni("C:\build\customer.ini", "RenamePC", "Length"))
Prefix = ReadIni("C:\build\customer.ini", "RenamePC", "Prefix")

Select Case Trim(UCase(Source))
 Case "ASSET"
		Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")

		Dim colSMBIOS: Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SystemEnclosure")
		Dim objComputer, PCName

		For Each Asset in colSMBIOS
	  	tmp = trim(Asset.SMBIOSAssetTag)

		For a = 1 to Len(tmp)
	  	c = Mid(tmp,a,1)
	  	If c >= "0" And c <= "9" Then PCName = PCName + c

		Do While Cint(Len(PCName)) <> Cint(Length)
	  	tmp = InputBox("Enter Asset Number.  This must be a " & Trim(length) & " digit number only.  Please ignore the text component of the Asset number if one exists.  If you can't find the PC's Asset number STOP.  You must arrange for an asset number sticker to be place on the PC before proceeding.")

	  	PCName = ""
	  	For a = 1 to Len(tmp)
	    	c = Mid(tmp,a,1)
	    	If c >= "0" And c <= "9" Then PCName = PCName + c


 Case "SERIAL"
		Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:")
		Set colSettingsBios = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS")

		For Each objComputer in colSettingsBios
			PCName = Trim(objComputer.SerialNumber)

		NotZero = False
		For a = 1 to Len(pcname)
	  	If Mid(pcname,a,1) <> "0" Then NotZero = True

		If Not NotZero Then PCName = ""			

		Do While cint(Len(PCName)) < cint(Length)
			PCName = InputBox("Please enter this PC's Serial Number exactly as shown on the cabinet.")
 Case "PROMPT"
		Do While cint(Len(PCName)) < Cint(Length)
			PCName = InputBox("Please enter this machines reference number and press <Enter>.")

End select

CompName = Prefix + PCName

If cint(Len(CompName)) > 15 Then CompName = Prefix + Right(pcname,15 - Len(Prefix))

PLog "Computer Name = " & CompName

Shell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName", CompName
Shell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\NV Hostname", CompName

PLog "Finished - Initiaing Shutdown"

SHELL.run "shutdown -r -t 5"

Function ReadIni(file, section, item)
ReadIni = ""
file = Trim(file)
item = Trim(item)
Set ini = fs.OpenTextFile( file, 1, True)

Do While ini.AtEndOfStream = False
	line = ini.ReadLine
	line = Trim(line)
	If LCase(line) = "[" & LCase(section) & "]" Then
		line = ini.ReadLine
		line = Trim(line)
		Do While Left( line, 1) <> "["
			'If InStr( 1, line, item & "=", 1) = 1 Then
			equalpos = InStr(1, line, "=", 1 )
			If equalpos > 0 Then
				leftstring = Left(line, equalpos - 1 )
				leftstring = Trim(leftstring)
				If LCase(leftstring) = LCase(item) Then
					ReadIni = Mid( line, equalpos + 1 )
					ReadIni = Trim(ReadIni)
					Exit Do
				End If
			End If

			If ini.AtEndOfStream Then Exit Do
			line = ini.ReadLine
			line = Trim(line)
		Exit Do
	End If

End Function



the customer.ini component.

Length    = 6
Prefix    = TKY123
Source    = SERIAL


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