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Hello from Indiana!

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Hello!  I have been "managing" our networks for a while, and have co-existed with SCCM, but am not very well acquainted with the beast.

Recently I've been asked to build up a Distribution Point server for one of our larger middle schools and am looking for a good solid reference guide or

site on how to do this.  I hope this doesn't come off poorly, I recognize its capability but have not had to jump into the management of it before.  

Glad to be part of the group, I see lots of resources already!

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hi and welcome, before we talk about distribution points can you please tell us what SCCM version you currently have and how many clients would it be managing approx ?

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Hello and thanks!

The SCCM server is at Version 1706 and I'm guessing that this particular box would be supporting 200-300 machines.  Mostly Windows based desktops with some notebooks mixed in.

They will also have a mix of Chromebooks and Apple iPads.


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ah ok, well it's out of support and you'll need to ugprade it to a supported build before you decide to do anything with it, that would be your first task, to setup a plan for the upgrade, it's easy, and you'll gain access to lots of new features by doing so (as well as remain supported)



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