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Build and capture 7, 0x00000032, client not rebooting


Hello everyon,



I'm trying to build and capture with Windows 7. So everything goes smooth untill the Windows files are expanded and a reboot is required. 'Expanding Windows Files' reaches 100%, continues with the next bits (like the guide here says), on the background the screen appears that the pc will need to restart but the sccm window doesn't react to that. Instead it stays on the 'setup windows and configmgr' screen and this error appears :

'Task sequence : b&c win7 has failed with the error code(0x00000032)'


Can't find any error in the log so not sure what's going wrong, had this error before when he skipped the installing step and went to 'join workgroup'. This was due to a wrong configuration.


So why don't I get this screen ?


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Your problem is: Failed to resolve package source "SKS00005".

This seems to be the package of your SCCM CLient. Make sure the package excists on the DP and that it is accesible for the client machine.


Not sure if this helps, but I'll post it anyway.

When I first setup the sccm site here, I reran the configuration wizard multiple times.

I noticed that every time I did so, the share permissions for the SCCM client disappeared.

So I put the SCCM files on a different server in order to avoid that problem.


You might want to check the share permissions.

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Thx a lot guys, was indeed the client packages that wasn't correctly distributed.


The shares that seem to go away is a problem I'm familiar with, very good tip to put them on other server, will sure try it out or atleast note it in my paper.


Now just giving an error 0x0000004 when sysprep is running, probably because the client is joining the domain as specified in the task sequence, gonna try without joining now.

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