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Token-based authentication for cloud management gateway Internet clients failing

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Hello All,

I am running SCCM version 2010 with a pki infrastructure so that we can use our CMG to manage clients out in the wild. This has all been working great but recently i was tasked with putting a solution in place to manage our non domain joined DMZ assets and my original solution was to manually export certs from out PKi and manage them via our CMG. This proved more difficult than i thought with our cmg not accepting any of the export certs. During my research i came across the token based auth for internet based clients and the bulk registration tokens for client installation. 


i created a bulk registration token using the tool on my site server and attempted the install but the log file looks like it is not attempting to use the token.

install string is the following

ccmsetup.exe /mp:https://<tenant>.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037927939 CCMHOSTNAME=<tenant>.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72057594037927939 SMSSITECODE=P01 SMSMP=https://CMGNKSFB.CLOUDAPP.NET /regtoken:<token>

the documentation states to look for the following logs but my server doesn't have the following logs. I have attached the ccmsetup.log and i have replaced out org info in the log and install string with <tenant>

On the server, review the following logs:

CMG logs
Management point

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




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