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SCCM - SMS Distribution Manager shows error to process package distribution on Primary Site Server - FAILED TO TAKE SNAPSHOT

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Can anybody here assist me to fix this issue? I have been struggling to fix this issue.
SCCM Infrastructure:

SCCM CB v1910

Standalone Primary Site


SMS Distribution Manager shows error to process package distribution on Primary Site Server - FAILED TO TAKE SNAPSHOT

I am unable to process any package content for distribution.

D:\SCCMContentLib Folder is EMPTY.

DISTMGR.Log details for one Software Update Package are stated below:

Retrying package FG100***(SourceVersion:2;StoredVersion:2)	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Start updating the package FG100F75...	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
CDistributionSrcSQL::UpdateAvailableVersion PackageID=FG100F75, Version=3, Status=2300	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Taking package snapshot for package FG100F75	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
GetContentLibLocation - ABC.DEF.GHI.com	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Finished GetContentLibLocation - ABC.DEF.GHI.com	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Snapshot processing content with ID 18155987 ...	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Taking snapshot for content 8384e0c7-bee0-4686-ad50-00488870f2bb from source \\ABC.DEF.GHI.com\SoftwareUpdates_Srv\SCDS Windows  Standard MS Patches - April 2021_\8384e0c7-bee0-4686-ad50-00488870f2bb	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:41 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Sleep 825 seconds...	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9356 (0x248C)
GetTempFileNameA failed; 0x80004005	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
CContentDefinition::CreateNewContentDefinition failed; 0x80004005	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
 TakeContentSnapshot() failed. Error = 0x80004005	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
The source directory doesn't exist or the 'Configuration Manager' service cannot access it, Win32 last error = 16389	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
STATMSG: ID=2361 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=ABC.DEF.GHI.com SITE=FG1 PID=20616 TID=9388 GMTDATE=Fri May 14 13:31:42.701 2021 ISTR0="\\ABC.DEF.GHI.com\SoftwareUpdates_Srv\SCDS Windows  Standard MS Patches - April 2021_\8384e0c7-bee0-4686-ad50-00488870f2bb" ISTR1="8384e0c7-bee0-4686-ad50-00488870f2bb" ISTR2="8384e0c7-bee0-4686-ad50-00488870f2bb" ISTR3="30" ISTR4="62" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="FG100F75"	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Failed to take snapshot for Content with ID 18155987	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Failed to take snapshot of one or more contents in package FG100F75	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
CDistributionSrcSQL::UpdateAvailableVersion PackageID=FG100F75, Version=2, Status=2302	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
STATMSG: ID=2302 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=ABC.DEF.GHI.com SITE=FG1 PID=20616 TID=9388 GMTDATE=Fri May 14 13:31:42.750 2021 ISTR0="SCDS Windows  Standard MS Patches - April 2021_" ISTR1="FG100F75" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="FG100F75"	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Failed to process package FG100***after 38 retries, will retry 62 more times	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)
Exiting package processing thread for package FG100F75.	SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER	5/14/2021 6:31:42 AM	9388 (0x24AC)

Despool.log has nothing relevant to note.

I have checked these things already and ANSWER is YES to all of these questions :

Can you ping the affected SERVERNAME if the path is a UNC path?
Does the site server computer account have permissions to access the path?
Can you access the affected path using the FQDN/NetBIOS/IP address when using the SYSTEM account from the site server?
Can you access the affected path using the FQDN/NetBIOS/IP address when using the logged in user's account from the site server?
Is there a firewall between the site server and the affected server? Are relevant ports (RPC/SMB) open?
Edited by Anmol06

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